Unity Camera Follow 2D - Script to make 2d camera follow players in an interesting way. Unity CameraSizeToVelocity2D - Simple script to change the cameras size depending on the velocity of the target. CameraLib4U - A third person camera system for Unity using Chase Camera. Unity First Person...
player / AI name(一个可选用属性):可以为角色定义玩家和AI名称。 streaming functionality(流功能,也是一个可选用属性)。流功能允许Unity应用程序实时接收模型产生的输出。如果禁用,Unity应用程序将会在回复内容完全生成时收到模型的回复。 其他模型选项(可选)。通过llama.cpp服务器直接使用的专家级用户可以指定更多的...
同理,Actor也创建一下。需要注意的是,一般只能有一个actor是is_player。代表玩家主角。 3.3 主角和NPC添加Actor组件,然后绑定数据 比如主角,这么添加: 其他NPC,也是同理。 3.4 NPC添加一个事件 我们可以在scene下,建一个DialogueQuest,来专门处理任务相关。
[RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))]publicclassNPCControl:MonoBehaviour{publicGameObject player;publicTransform[] path;privateFSMSystem fsm;publicvoidSetTransition(Transition t){ fsm.PerformTransition(t); }publicvoidStart(){ MakeFSM(); }// The NPC 有两个状态 FollowPath 和 ChasePlayerprivatevoidMakeFS...
与Skyrim(《天际线》)游戏中的NPC Lydia互动(这是从游戏中获得的屏幕截图) 这正是LLM的优越点所在。由你来指定人工智能的角色和它们的知识世界(你已经将其作为游戏叙事的一部分),这些内容确实有助于提升对话的质量。 基于对话形式的《天际线》)游戏中的与Lydia互动的示例情形 ...
Learn How to Configure a Third Person Player with a Follow Camera Collect Items like Bunnies to Update your Score & UI How to create an AI Companion like a Fox that follows the Player Convert your Companion AI (NPC) into an Enemy that Attacks the Player ...
This curve is shallow at both the beginning and the end, making values close to the extremes more common, and steep in the middle which will make those values rare. Notice also that with this curve, the height values have been shifted up: the bottom of the curve is at 1, and the top...
6.4 Make Unit Scale Parent: For a lot of use-cases in Unity [wanting to have a unit scale or have positioning, rotation start from zero], we tend to create new objects and then assign it as a parent. This button does that.