1、创建Cube将作用在player control 应用适当的材料,根据要求向其网格渲染器 将TargetMovementScript 应用于游戏对象 将Cube 作为对象来将移动上 player'scommands。 TargetMovementScript.cs public class TargetMovementScript : MonoBehaviour { public float targetSpeed=9.0f;//Speed At Which the Object Should Move...
So you have a game either in 2d or 3d which you need the camera to follow the player. In this tutorial we will be discussing the different methods how you can use unity 2d and how to make the camera follow the player in your game. We will look at basic principles of doing this in...
(第一种方式就不用特意换文件夹去找 controller 了) 回到Animation 窗口,创建一个新的 Animation Clip,命名为 run,剩下的操作和上一步一样。 创建完后去到 controller 看会发现两个动画都有了,只不过 run 动画没有连上来。 在controller 里右键 idle,选择 make transition,拖到 run,反之亦然。 左边添加一个...
2.添加PlayerController脚本,控制其移动 在移动前,需要先让角色平缓旋转,添加一个Roating方法 旋转的方向就是角色到键盘输入点的方向,然后利用插值进行平滑旋转, private void Rotating(float horizontal, float vertical) { var targetDirection = new Vector3(-horizontal, 0, -vertical); ...
将player 拖动到 follow 属性里。游玩一下游戏会发现此时镜头跟随就已经有了,而且会有一点缓冲,效果非常好。 点开body 属性,会发现 game panel 出现一些紫色蓝色的提示框,有利于我们调参。 尝试增大 dead zone x 和 y,会拉出一个小框框。人物在这个框里移动的时候镜头是不会变化的,只有当移动出这个框的范围时...
你需要在 Object to Affect 中选择目标才能让动作生效。 Just Make Invisible 可以开启/关闭 SpriteRenderer,这意味着该对象仍然是游戏的一部分,包括该对象可能存在的任何碰撞事件。 OnOffAction 总是“拨动开关”,将 Active 标志设置为相反值。这意味着第二次在同一对象上执行该动作时,对象将恢复先前状态,依此类推...
Can I use Unity for AR development? Unity is commonly utilized for AR development, with robust support for AR platforms. The book “Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity” is an excellent resource for learning about AR development with Unity....
In this lesson, you will learn how to write code that will make the camera follow the player in a 2D game built in Unity. Firstly, we will look at how to add basic camera movement (where the camera tracks the exact position of the player). In the second part of the lesson video, ...
The cube primitive will be a 3D object onto which you put a character's image, name, and player efficiency rating (PER) score. Then you make that cube interactive.To create the cube primitive, follow these steps:In the Hierarchy window, right-click the PlayerContainer object and select 3D...