一、知识要点 1 Transform.GetChild:1)功能简述publicTransformGetChild(intindex);index:Index of the child transform to return. Must be smaller than Transform.childCount.Returns Transform :Transform child by index.Returns a transform child by index.2)使用案例using UnityEngine;using System.Collections...
历史原因,目前有个项目还在使用unity4.3版本,比较过不同Unity版本,发现unity4.3的transform.GetChild获取的child顺序并不是想要的。 测试代码# usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;publicclassGetChildTest : MonoBehaviour {//Use this for initializationvoidStart () {varchildCount =transform.childCount;for(inti...
public void Example() { //Assigns the transform of the first child of the Game Object this script is attached to. meeple = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0); //Assigns the first child of the first child of the Game Object this script is attached to. grandChild = this.gameObject.trans...
Canvas=UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(test.assetBundle["tks_canvas"].LoadAsset<GameObject>("TKS_CANVAS"));Canvas.layer=26;//在游戏废墟图书馆中 本条内容为通过更改Layer来更改覆盖关系 从而确保UI能够正常显示Canvas.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.AddComponent<TKS_Selection_UI_BOX>(); 然后...
For now, it’s sufficient to know that Transform.Position and Transform.Scale are both Vector3 objects. A Vector3 is simply a three-dimensional vector; in other words, it’s nothing more than three points—just X, Y and Z. Through these three simple values, you can set an...
But you’ll get better visual results by following this rule. Collision Detection An object gets its mass from its RigidBody component, but you also need to tell Unity how to handle collisions with this object. The size and shape of your artwork or models doesn’t matter here, although ...
how your object will show or interact with light. Some shaders simply take light and reflect it like a mirror; others take a texture (an image to be applied to your mesh) and can enable shadows and depth; and some even allow you to cut visual holes through your models, like a fence...
=typeof(object)){fields.AddRange(type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly));type=type.BaseType;}returnfields;}}publicstaticTransformFindChildEx(thisTransform parent,string name){// 遍历所有子物体int len=parent.childCount;for(int i=0;i<...
readyButton = transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<Button> (); } void Start () { //设置当前对象到显示的UI中 GameController.instance.SetParent (this.transform); transform.localScale = Vector3.one; //非主机客户端更新玩家名称 if (!isServer) ...
Collapse the parent object of your tree in your Hierarchy (see above) and you will notice that it has a child object called branches, select this to show it’s properties in the Inspector, look at the Material component and here you can see the default Shader is set to Diffuse, so let...