unity物体位置变化检测 unity设置物体位置抖动 1.1.Rigidbody 重力系统(Freeze Position 冻结移动 Freeze Rotation 冻结旋转) 例如:设置房间摆设的时候,人物是不能穿透一些物体的,人物与物体最好添加rigidbody和collider碰撞器,还有为避免物体与物体之间出现弹飞的效果,可以勾选,RIgidbody的 is Kinematic选项,这样就不会产...
It should freeze the trees Y position and turn Kinematic to true when the tree touches the ground. Right now it freezes the trees as soon as the game is started (the trees don't fall to the ground). Originally the trees have isKinematic and FreezePositionY off. function OnCollisionEnter(...
Freeze Position/Rotation(冻结位置/旋转): 可以对物体在X、Y、Z三个轴上的位置/旋转进行锁定,即使受到相应的力也不会改变,但可以通过脚本来修改。否则物体在上升过程中会发生飘动(不仅y轴变化,X,Z也在变,不想这种现象,就把X,Z锁定)
Freeze Position/Rotation(冻结位置/旋转): 可以对物体在X、Y、Z三个轴上的位置/旋转进行锁定,即使受到相应的力也不会改变,但可以通过脚本来修改。否则物体在上升过程中会发生飘动(不仅y轴变化,X,Z也在变,不想这种现象,就把X,Z锁定)
3、给 Tank 添加一个 Rigidbody Component,展开 Constraints 选项,勾选 Freeze Position Y 和 Freeze Rotation X Z,因为地面位于 XZ 平面,所以限定坦克不能在 Y 方向移动并且只能沿 Y 轴转动 4、给 Tank 添加一个 Box Collider Component,将其中心 Center 调整为(0,0.85,0),尺寸 Size 调整为(1.5,1.7,1.6...
voidUpdate() { //Press space to add constraints on the RigidBody (Freezing the position) if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { //Freeze all positions m_Rigidbody.constraints =RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePosition; } //Press the up arrow key to move positively in the y axis if the constrai...
Freeze Position 冻结位置,Freeze Rotation 冻结旋转。 如果选中了该选项,在该方向上,那么刚体将不会因为外力或者扭力而发生旋转,你只能通过脚本的旋转 unity 所有碰撞器(触发器),碰撞条件、结果,触发条件、结果。。。以及碰撞函数、触发函数的调用。 要产生碰撞必须为游戏对象添加刚体(Rigidbody)和碰撞器,刚体可以让...
newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (transform.position - target.position,Vector3.up); } // Here we have to freeze rotation along X and Y Axis, for proper movement of the arrow newRotation.x = 0.0f; newRotation.y = 0.0f; // Finally rotate and aim towards the target direction using ...
m_Rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ; //Set up vector for moving the Rigidbody in the z axis m_ZAxis = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); } void Update() { //Press space to remove the constraints on the RigidBody if (Input.GetKey...
I set X and Z freeze positions on the RigidBody but it still falls over. IF I set to freeze on Y position, my 3dObject will not fall over but then if I shoot the army man, it will just spin and not fall over. I attached a screenshot to show all my settings. unity-game-...