执行自连接以计算参考点到表中最远点的距离,在外部查询中,只需使用ORDER BY 和LIMIT再次过滤它以获得最长距离: SELECT t1.geom,t1.geom <-> j.geom AS distanceFROM cultural_sites t1CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT geom FROM cultural_sites t2 WHERE NOT t1.geom = t2.geom ORDER BY t1.geom <-> t2...
float distance = (transform.position – other.transform.position).Distance(); if (distance < targetDistance) { // do stuff } float distanceSqrd = (transform.position – other.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; if (distanceSqrd < (targetDistance * targetDistance)) { // do stuff } 1. 2. 3....
{// 输出命中物体的名称Debug.Log("Hit: "+ hit.collider.name);// 输出命中点的世界坐标Debug.Log("Hit Point: "+ hit.point);// 输出碰撞点的法线Debug.Log("Hit Normal: "+ hit.normal);// 输出从射线起点到碰撞点的距离Debug.Log("Hit Distance: "+ hit.distance);// 输出命中物体的变换Debug....
1 Transform.Translate:1)功能简述public voidTranslate(Vector3translation,SpacerelativeTo= Space.Self);Moves the transform in the direction and distance oftranslation.IfrelativeTois left out or set to Space.Self the movement is applied relative to the transform's local axes. (the x, y and...
if (slice.GetDistanceToPoint(ogVertices[i]) >= 0) PositiveMesh.AddVertex(ogVertices, ogNormals, ogUvs, i); else NegativeMesh.AddVertex(ogVertices, ogNormals, ogUvs, i); } Step6:将切割面与物体的交点计算出来,为生成新的面做好准备; ...
在Tessellation.hlsl中,提供了一个GetScreenSpaceTessFactor用于计算基于屏幕占用范围的细分因子。 // Compute both screen and distance based adaptation - return factor between 0 and 1 real3 GetScreenSpaceTessFactor(real3 p0, real3 p1, real3 p2, real4x4 viewProjectionMatrix, real4 screenSize, real tri...
distance 从原点到平面的距离。 flipped 返回朝向相反方向的平面副本。 normal 平面的法线矢量。 构造函数 Plane 创建平面。 公共函数 ClosestPointOnPlane 对于给定 /point/,返回平面上的最近点。 Flip 使平面朝向相反方向。 GetDistanceToPoint 返回从平面到点的带符号距离。 GetSide 点是否处于平面的正向侧? Raycas...
void setdistance()//方法(函数),用于设置镜头与角色距离 { if (Distance >= minDistance && Distance <= maxDistance)//如果距离数据在最大距离和最小距离之间 { //距离等于自身减去鼠标滚轮反馈乘以灵敏度的值(此处加与减同样根据需求来定) Distance -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")*MouseWheel_sensitiv...
方法:Ray.GetPoint(float distance); 返回沿着射线在distance 距离单位的点; Mathf.Infinity 属性:表示正无穷大。 2,光线投影 Ray ray=Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; If(Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,100)) Debug.DrawLine(ray.orgin,hit.point); ...
GetLocalCornersGet the corners of the calculated rectangle in the local space of its Transform. GetWorldCornersGet the corners of the calculated rectangle in world space. SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdgeSet the distance of this rectangle relative to a specified edge of the parent rectangle, while also...