Vectors are a fundamental mathmatical concept which allow you to describe a direction and magnitude. In games and apps, vectors are often used to describe some of the fundamental properties such as the position of a character, the speed something is moving, or the distance between two objects....
所以在Unity2D中,Sorting Layer和Order in Layer的组合优先级最高,其次是Z Position和Camera Settings,...
var heading = target.position - player.position; As well as pointing in the direction of the target object, this vector’s magnitude is equal to the distance between the two positions. It is common to need a normalized vector giving the direction to the target and also the distance to the...
when creating a contrast between two objects, a designer may play with the lighting, color, or scale to convey their relationship. However, if the designer is not careful, those changes could cause those objects
public static ObjectPlacementRule Create_AwayFromPosition( Vector3 position, float minDistance) public static ObjectPlacementConstraint Create_NearPoint( Vector3 position, float minDistance = 0.0f, float maxDistance = 0.0f) 下列物件放置查詢會尋找一個位置,將半米立方體放在表面邊緣,遠離先前放置的物件,並...
In other words, the distance between any two given points of a rigid body remains constant in time regardless of external forces exerted on it.” The same principle applies in games. Adding a rigid body lets you make calls like the ones in Figure 5. Figure 5 Adding Movement and Velocity ...
TheVertexLinkDistanceSqrproperty on theMeshSimplifierclass could be used to change the maximum squared distance between two vertices for the linking. The default value isdouble.Epsilon. My decimated meshes have holes The original algorithm that was ported from C++ did not support situations where mult...
The LOD technique allows Unity to reduce the number of triangles it renders for a GameObject based on its distance from the Camera. To use it, a GameObject must have a number of meshes with decreasing levels of detail in its geometry. These meshes are called LOD levels. The further a ...
NodeCullDistance If the algorithm determines two points are too close together, then it will skip adding that point as a control point This setting is the minimum distance required between two points. Events The inspector exposes a container of serialized events that are invoked at specific points...
在两个线性渐变中随机 (Random Between Two Gradients)选择取值:渐变 (RGBA) 随时间变化,并在渐变编辑器指定的两个值中随机选取。 渐变(RGBA) 随时间而变化,可在渐变编辑器中编辑。 线性渐变编辑器 (Gradient Editor) 用来描述渐变随时间而变化的范围。它绘制了颜色(RGB 空间,在底部由标记描述)和 Alpha(在顶部...