Rate over Time(发射频率按时间):1秒发射的数量,曲线时间轴是Duration时间。 Rate over Distance(发射频率按距离):1米发射的数量,曲线时间轴是Duration时间。 Bursts(迸发): 从第几(Time)秒开始。发射多少个(Count),这次发射循环几次(Cycles),每次循环间隔多久(Interval)。 如果使用一个效果隔多久迸发一次,只需要...
GetInstanceID 返回该物体的实例id继承的类函数 operator bool 这个物体存在吗?Instantiate 克隆original物体并返回这个克隆。Destroy 移除一个游戏物体、组件或资源。DestroyImmediate 立即销毁物体obj。强烈建议使用Destroy代理。FindObjectsOfType 返回所有类型为type的激活物体。FindObjectOfType 返回第一个类型为type的激活...
object 90 degrees, it will now move forward in the direction // it is now facing. This essentially translates local coordinates to // world coordinates to move object in direction and distance // specified by vector. See the Unity Coordinate Systems section in the // main article. transform...
Resources.Load(); 2.通过 bundle 的形式: 即将资源打成 asset bundle 放在服务器或本地磁盘, 然后使用 WWW 模块 get 下来, 然后从这个 bundle 中 load 某个 object。 AssetBundle 3.通过 AssetDatabase.loadasset :这种方式只在 editor 范围内有效,游戏运行时没有这个函数, 它通常是在开发中调试用的 【...
name The name of the object. Public Methods ClosestPoint Returns a point on the collider that is closest to a given location. ClosestPointOnBounds The closest point to the bounding box of the attached collider. GetGeometry Returns the geometric shape of the collider of the requested type. Rayc...
How to get, set, and configure the active render pipeline Shader stripping These properties allow you to configureshader variant strippingin your build. By default, Unity examines thescenesA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level...
// Find Actors by type (needs a UWorld object) for(TActorIterator<AMyActor>It(GetWorld()); It; ++It) { AMyActor* MyActor = *It; // ... } Copy full snippet // Find UObjects by type for(TObjectIterator<UMyObject> It; It; ++It) ...
// reset the object to sensible values public void Reset() { if (path == null) return; pathLength = path.PointCount; curPathIndex = path.GetNearistIndex(transform.position); FixedUpdate(); } /// <summary> /// switch to another followed path ...
1,object Instantiate(object original,Vector3 position,Quaternion rotation) 克隆原始物体,并返回克隆物体。 例如:Instantiate(prefab,new Vector3(1,1,1),Qutaternion.identity);克隆一个prefab物体。 2,InputManager,输入管理器,用于配置自定义按键。