getAllComponents按钮:获取挂载在父物体parent上的所有组件 getAllComponentsInChildren按钮:获取挂载在父物体parent及其子物体上的所有MeshRenderer组件并将改变它们的材质颜色 getComponentInChildren按钮:从父物体parent开始,进行深度优先遍历,找到MeshRenderer组件并将其材质颜色更改为红色(因父物体上挂载了MeshRenderer,故只有...
获取一个物体的所有子物体中的组件,包括孙子节点; public Component[] GetComponentsInChildren(Type type, bool includeInactive = false); 1.
The Canvas object holds all UI components on the screen. Once the Canvas object is created, go to the Inspector and change the Render Mode to World Space. This will detach the canvas from the camera and let content be placed in the world, as opposed to stuck to the camera. N...
GetComponentsGets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified. GetComponentsInChildrenGets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, and any child of the GameObject. ...
GetComponentInChildren 使用深度首次搜索返回 GameObject 或其任何子项中类型为 type 的组件。 GetComponentInParent 返回GameObject 或其任何父项中类型为 type 的组件。 GetComponents 返回GameObject 中类型为 type 的所有组件。 GetComponentsInChildren 返回GameObject 或其任何子项中类型为 type 的所有组件。 GetCompone...
activeGameObject; foreach (Renderer it in obj.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>()) { Material mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>("Assets/ViveJx/Materials/JianXiuBall.mat"); Material[] bufMat = new Material[it.sharedMaterials.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < it.shared...
Cube[]cc= target.GetComponents<Cube>(); 返回该游戏物体上所有符合条件的组件,返回一个组件数组 Cube[] xx = target.GetComponentsInChildren<Cube>(); 返回该游戏物体上的对应组件,同时返回该游戏物体的子类上对应的组件 Cube[] yy = target.GetComponentsInParent<Cube>(); 返回该游戏物体上的对应组件,同时...
var script: ScriptName=gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(ScriptName); script.DoSomething(); ◆ function GetComponents(type: Type): Component[] 描述:返回该游戏物体上所有type类型的组件。 //在这个游戏物体和所有它的子物体上 //的HingeJoints上禁用弹簧 ...
/// /// publicclassSearchForComponents : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("DajiaGame/Search For Components")] staticvoidInit...
publicboolcreateComponents =true; // Update transforms of components at runtime to reflect useraction. 根据用户的动作实时更新组件的位置 publicboolupdateDynamically =true; // Additional controller settings for showing scrollwheel, etc. 目前里面只有一个参数,就就是是否显示滚轮 ...