unity eventmanager 示例脚本 1usingUnityEngine;2usingSystem.Collections;3usingSystem.Collections.Generic;4//---5//Enum defining all possible game events6//More events should be added to the list7publicenumEVENT_TYPE {GAME_INIT,8GAME_END,9AMMO_CHANGE,10HEALTH_CHANGE,11DEAD};12//---13//Single...
You can try settingHideManagerGameObject = truein BepInEx.cfg. If you don't have that option in the config, update your BepInEx version The first step is to rule outDebug.Lognot being logged (this can happen in some games). The second option is to test that the MonoBehaviour is reall...
如果Runtime时需要为某一个GameObject修改更为复杂、需要访问更多顶点属性的Material,则建议先将这些Material挂载在相应的Prefab上再进行发布,以免引擎去除Runtime中会进行使用的网格数据。a 1.3.3 禁用Read/Write Enabled 如果启用此选项,内存中会有重复网格,网格的一个副本在系统内存中,另一个在 GPU 内存中。 在...
多数情况下,在使用 GameObject 的过程中,你甚至可以不需要自行进行 Instantiate 或者是 Destroy 操作。 场景(Scene) - 提供场景管理的功能,可以同时加载多个场景,也可以随时卸载任何一个场景,从而很容易地实现场景的分部加载。 配置(Setting) - 以键值对的形式存储玩家数据,对 UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs 进行封装,也可以...
Not every GameObject is going to stick around forever. Discover how to both produce and demolish those extraneous sprites here.
public GameObject 01; public GameObject 02; public Material redMat; 假设01和02共用一个材质redMat,当我们想通过sharedMaterial修改01上material的属性的时候,02上对应的属性也会被修改。 举个例子: 我们想修改01的颜色: 01.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color = Color.red; 当执行这句代码的时候,02...
Destroy Removes a gameobject, component or asset. DestroyImmediate Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. DontDestroyOnLoad Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene. FindObjectOfType Returns the first active loaded...
private GameObject _player; void Start() { _player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); } // Method 1 void Update () { // Every frame rotate around the X axis by 1 degree a // second (Vector3.right = (1,0,0)). transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime); } //...
voidUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { //Output the amount of materials beforeGameObjectis destroyed print("Materials " +Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length); //DestroyGameObjectDestroy(gameObject); } }
多数情况下,在使用 GameObject 的过程中,你甚至可以不需要自行进行 Instantiate 或者是 Destroy 操作。 场景(Scene) - 提供场景管理的功能,可以同时加载多个场景,也可以随时卸载任何一个场景,从而很容易地实现场景的分部加载。 配置(Setting) - 以键值对的形式存储玩家数据,对 UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs 进行封装,也可以...