1.删除播放器时,您也应该删除此脚本。这可以通过删除FollowObject、CameraFollow和Camera lamp的第一个父...
CameraFollow和Camera lamp的第一个父对象来实现。如果它们没有公共父对象,请考虑重构它以使它们具有公共...
The object of type 'UISprite' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it.Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object.经过测试,发现销毁后,再创建的物件上,不能使用 gameobject.GetComponent<UISprite>();来获取组件,否则必报上面的错误,不知道哪...
如果Runtime时需要为某一个GameObject修改更为复杂、需要访问更多顶点属性的Material,则建议先将这些Material挂载在相应的Prefab上再进行发布,以免引擎去除Runtime中会进行使用的网格数据。a 1.3.3 禁用Read/Write Enabled 如果启用此选项,内存中会有重复网格,网格的一个副本在系统内存中,另一个在 GPU 内存中。 在...
编辑器下:MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'UIDebugOverseasPanel' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. 包内:NullReferenceException Debug.Log("test begin"); Destroy(gameObject); await UniTask.Delay(1000);
MissingReferenceException: The object of type ‘GameObject’ has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it. Your script should either check if it is null or you should not destroy the object. UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[RectTransform] () (at ...
Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 目录 Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 【已解决】Unity Coroutinue 协程未有效执行的问题 【待解决】Not a Prefab scene 7 ‘UniversalAdditionalCamera... 【解决】Expanding invalid MinMaxAABB 【解决】Java开发工具包(JDK)目录未设置或无效。请在“首选项“>“外部工具“中将其修复22 使用...
In development builds, Unity displays the following error message if you try to use Unity APIs in multithreaded code: UnityException: Internal_CreateGameObject can only be called from the main thread. \ Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a sce...
The safety checks ensure that the GameObject is in a valid state, hasn't been destroyed, and so on. This overhead is not particularly large for any single call, but it can add up in a game that has thousands of MonoBehaviours. For this reason, empty Update() calls can be particularly...
DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgs A change of this type indicates that a GameObject and the entire hierarchy below it has been destroyed. This happens for example when Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate is used with an GameObject. DetailBrushBounds Represents a container for brush bound data. DragAndDropWindow...