public Component GetComponent(Type type); public Component GetComponentInChildren(Type t, bool includeInactive); public Component GetComponentInParent(Type t, bool includeInactive); 当然,这些接口也有其他的变体,这里只关注这三个常用的接口,因为查找行为和GameObject.Find有些类似,这里就一并总结了。 GetCompon...
禁用状态 + 根物体 -- SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects() + Transform.Find() 禁用+ 加载场景时不被破坏 -- Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type) / Object.FindObjectsOfType(true) + Transform.Find() -- 通用方法 其他函数 -- Unity 官方文档 -- GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag 以上...
hand = GameObject.Find("/Hand"); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3)通过名字或标签 GameObject.Find() 和 GameObject.FindWithTag(); 两个函数都是返回游戏对象 //GameObject.Find是遍历整个当前场景,挨个查找,效率偏低,非特殊情况一般不要使用 Transform.Find是只查找自己本身以及自己的子对象,效率比较高,用途比较...
3.GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag 查找相同标签的游戏物体列表static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag (string tag) 返回一个用tag做标识的活动的游戏物体的列表.如果没有找到则 为空。标签必须在使用之前到标签管理器里面声明。 4.运行游戏后,在代码中也可以动态添加与修改标签,但是必须提前在标签管理器中注册...
DetachChildren Unparents all children. Find Finds a child by name n and returns it. GetChild Returns a transform child by index. GetLocalPositionAndRotation Gets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (that is, relative to its parent transform). GetPositionAndRotation...
(0f, 180f, 0f));4647newPlace.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text =places [i].Name;48}49}5051privatevoidClearPlace(){52GameObject[] oldPlaces = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Place");53for(inti =0; i < oldPlaces.Length; i++) {54Destroy (oldPlaces [i].gameObject);...
e).GetComponentsInChildren f).GetComponentsInParent g).FindObjectOfType<>()依据组件类型 h).FindObjectsOfType<>() ③Transform: 已知层级:在他的直接孩子中查找 a).Find(string name) b).FindChild(string name) c).GetChild(int index) 未知层级,已知组件名字: ...
Unity Game Development Cookbook: Essentials for Every Game by Paris Buttfield-Addison, Jon Manning and Tim Nugent will help you discover how to use the Unity game engine to its full potential. Find out how to use the Unity game engine to its full potential for 3D and Unity 2D game develop...
Previously the evaluator enforced strict type checking, resulting in Failed to find a match for method([parameters...]) warning messages. Integration: Added UNT0018 diagnostic. You shouldn't use System.Reflection features in performance critical messages like Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate, or On...
通过标签查找(FindObjectsOfType)使用GameObject的FindObjectsOfType方法可以根据类型查找场景中所有匹配的对象。 代码语言:javascript 复制 GameObject[]objects=FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>(); 通过标签查找 通过标签查找(GameObject.FindWithTag)使用GameObject的FindWithTag方法可以根据对象的标签查找匹配的对象。