g).FindObjectOfType<>()依据组件类型 h).FindObjectsOfType<>() ③Transform: 已知层级:在他的直接孩子中查找 a).Find(string name) b).FindChild(string name) c).GetChild(int index) 未知层级,已知组件名字: publicstaticTransform GetChild(Transform transform,stringname) { Transform targetTF=transform...
or use GameObject.FindWithTag. Note: If you wish to find a child GameObject, it is often easier to use Transform.Find. Note: If the game is running with multiple scenes then Find will search in all of them. 正如文档上所说,是通过name这个参数,GameObject.Find会在所有运行着的场景中...
Find Finds a child by name n and returns it. GetChild Returns a transform child by index. GetLocalPositionAndRotation Gets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (that is, relative to its parent transform). GetPositionAndRotation Gets the position and rotation of ...
1.通过名字找物体 GameObject.Find("Player") 2.通过名字寻找物体子集 transform.FindChild("物体子集名字") 3. 显示和隐藏物体 gameObject.SetActive(true); ? 4.使用和关闭物体代码 gameObject.GetComponent<代码名字>().enable=true; 5.按下动画事件 if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) 按下事件 if (Input.GetMouse...
By 它被用于查找对象的方法中,以设置对象被搜索的标准。目前有7种类型。 By.TAG- 搜索具有特定tag的对象 By.LAYER- 搜索具有特定layer的对象 By.NAME- 搜索以某种方式命名的对象(基于Unity对象名称的层次结构) By.COMPONENT- 搜索具有特定component的对象 ...
public float Speed = 50; private Transform _playerTransform; private Transform _ myTransform; // Called on startup of the GameObject it's assigned to. void Start() { // Find some gameobject that has the text tag "Player" assigned to it. // This is startup code, shouldn't query the...
But by creating prefabs, you can. Just drag any game object from the hierarchy back into the project folder and a new file is created with the extension .prefab that includes any child hierarchies. You can now drag this file into your scenes and reuse it. The original game object turns ...
Find("Sphere"); sp.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 通过Tag,找到Tag值为“Player”的物体 GameObject obj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //Debug.Log(obj.name); // 通过Tag,找到Tag值为“Player”的所有物体 GameObject[] objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("...
You can use the GameObject.FindWithTag() function to find a GameObject by setting it to look for any object that contains the T... Tree Basics With the Tree Creator package imported, you can select GameObject > 3D Object > Tree to add a new tree to the scene (this... Unity XR Inpu...
All that remains is referencing the XML file in the GameTagSettings Asset. Tags can be added by code at runtime throughGameTags.Instance.FindOrCreateTag("ExampleTag.Child") Child-parent relations Tags have child tags and their relationship can be checked upon. ...