如果不启用该属性而导入文件 2,Unity 将剥离根节点,会让层级不匹配,使得动画不能正常播放 Sort Hierarchy By Name:在层级窗口中根据名字排序子物体 如果不启用,会保留 FBX 文件中定义的层级顺序 (二)Meshes 网格设置 Mesh Compression:网格压缩,设置压缩比及减小网格的文件大小 提高压缩比会降低网格的精度,调整该参...
Preserve Hierarchy:始终创建一个显示预制体根 通常在导入的时候,FBX会将模型中的空根节点进行优化去掉它。但是如果多个FBX文件中包含同一层级的空根对象,可以勾选它来保留他们。 主要作用是:比如有两个fbx文件,1包含骨骼和网格,2只包含骨骼动画。如果不启用它导入2,那么Unity将剥离根节点,会让层级不匹配让动画不能...
Project: All the files in your project. You can drag and drop from Explorer into Unity to add files to your project. Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. Insp...
Hierarchy(层级面板) 能够看到场景中所有的层级对象,与其层级关系 新建 搜索 Project (项目面板) 一列展示 / 两列展示 与硬盘中的/Project/Assets文件夹同步 Inspector(属性面板) 作用 选中游戏对象后,在面板看到物体身上的组件 看到一个资源文件的属性 Console(控制台面板) 按钮 Clear:清空 Collapse:合并重复项 Clea...
44、ng UnityEngine.UI;public class ButtonEvent : MonoBehaviour / Use this for initialization void Start () Public void DisplayInfo() Print(:戈击了 Button! ”); / Update is called once per frame void Update () 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢27精品资料2) 在Hierarchy视图的Canvas中...
Just drag any game object from the hierarchy back into the project folder and a new file is created with the extension .prefab that includes any child hierarchies. You can now drag this file into your scenes and reuse it. The original game object turns blue to note it’s now connected ...
Fold All(折叠所有打开的父级文件夹) 这段简单的脚本可以快速折叠所有打开的父级文件夹(继承关系树)。 参考:the Hierarchy window&Unity Hotkeys 来源:Unity forum,Unity answers usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEditor;publicclassEditorUtils:Editor{//This code is released under the MIT license: https://opensource...
For example, when the pivot is in the center, the Content Size Fitter will expand the Rect Transform out equally in all directions. And when the pivot is in the upper left corner, the Content Size Fitter will expand the Rect Transform down and to the right. ...
可以在UnityEditor的Component的Menu中增加自定义的项目。菜单可以设置多级,使用斜线/分隔即可。在Hierarchy中选中GameObject的时候,点击该菜单项,就可以在GameObject上追加该Component。 例如如下代码可以完成下图的效果。 [AddComponentMenu("TestMenu/TestComponet")] ...
To create a Prefab Asset, drag a GameObject from the Hierarchy window into the Project window. The GameObject, and all its comp... Cubemaps object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes Custom Player Spawning The system automatically spawns the player GameObject ...