这个问题来自于 我想创建一个SO,SO里面有一个UnityEvent,我希望能通过代码自动创建这个UnityEvent的持久化监听,这样能在inspector窗口看到 在button上面的应该也是一样的 UnityEvent 总之是使用 UnityEventTools 里面的一系列的方法,但是一直报错提示什么 null UnityEngine.Object 去unity的外网论坛找到了解决方案 https:/...
因此在尝试绘制click时首先检测到的是一个UnityEvent泛型一个不明确的对象,所以失败了。但是在绘制click1时知道了他是一个派生了bool类型的UnityEvent泛型,所以成功了。 最后等待大佬给出正解。
When configuring aUnityEventin theInspectorwindow there are two types of function calls that are supported: Staticcalls are entirely preconfigured at authoring time, with their target and parameter values defined in the Inspector window. When the callback is invoked, the target function is invoked ...
Fixed Unity API help menu not showing. Project Generation: Fixed player project generation when working on a UWP game with the IL2CPP/.NET 4.6 backend. Fixed extra .dll extension wrongly added to the assembly filename. Fixed usage of a specific project API compatibility level instead of the ...
每次进行UI交互时,画布组件都会检査其 eventCamera 属性(在 Inspector 窗口中显示为Event Camera)以确定要使用的相机。默认情况下,2D画布会将此属性设置为MainCamera,但3D画布会将其设置为null。遗憾的是,每次需要EventCamera时,都是通过调用FindObjectWithTag()方法来使用MainCamera。通过标记查找对象并不像使用Find(...
Fixed Odin not showing that prefab variant values have been modified. Made sure ObjectIsReferenced in PropertyTree handles the value itself being UnityEngine.Object. Added missing ODIN_INSPECTOR_3_2 script define. Fixed Odin's Localization module causing LocalizedReferences to not work properly in th...
RemoveNotificationStop showing notification message. RepaintMake the window repaint. SaveChangesPerforms a save action on the contents of the window. SendEventSends an Event to a window. ShowShow the EditorWindow window. ShowAsDropDownShows a window with dropdown behaviour and styling. ...
一般的,PassEvent我们设定为After Rendering Transparents。 五、 RenderTexture与Shader 现在,我们需要一张RT。在Unity Project/Assets下创建一张RT。 一般的,我们把RT的尺寸设置成1080P。 除此之外,创建一下【PickBuffer】所需要的【PickBuffer.shader】代码:...
}#endregion#regionEvents//////Event is fired when the window is hidden.///publiceventWindowHide OnHide;//////Event is fired when the window becomes visible.///publiceventWindowShow OnShow;#endregionpublicvoidAddPage(UIWindowPage page) { pages.Add(page);if(page.isDefaultPage...
Add Event System Before we can use the GUI, we need to add an Event System. Right-click a space in the Hierarchy tab and select UI → Event System. Test in Editor Click the play button in the top-middle of the Editor window to test the project. ...