DropdownMenu Constructor. Public Methods AppendAction Add an item that will execute an action in the drop-down menu. The item is added at the end of the current item list. AppendSeparator Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the current item list. Inser...
The template can be setup in many different ways. The setup used by the GameObject > UI > Dropdown menu item includes a scroll view, such that if there are too many options to show at once, a scrollbar will appear and the user can scroll through the options. This is however not a ...
public class UIDropdownMenu : BaseForms { public delegate void DropdownMenuItemClickCallback(UIDropdownMenuData data); private DropdownMenuItemClickCallback m_selectItemCallback = null; // 选择子类回调执行 public Text txtFold; // 选中显示 public Text txtDesc; // 选中显示 private CustomButton ...
The template can be setup in many different ways. The setup used by the GameObject > UI > Dropdown menu item includes a scroll view, such that if there are too many options to show at once, a scrollbar will appear and the user can scroll through the options. This is however not a ...
1.菜单栏拓展 [MenuItem]// 头文件:using UnityEditor; //菜单名字(必须有子菜单), 是否是 test1 的验证函数(默认不是,即为菜单的执行函数), 优先级(默认1000,两优先级差>10,出现横线) //Assets 下 Property 的优先级是99998,一般的菜单的优先级是1000(这个是) ...
Brush dropdown menu set to the Default Brush.Use the Brush dropdown menu to change the active Brush from the Default Brush to other Brushes, such as Scriptable Brushes.PropertyFunction Script Displays the currently assigned script Asset that provides a fixed set of APIs for painting on Tilemap...
Project: All the files in your project. You can drag and drop from Explorer into Unity to add files to your project. Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. ...
[MenuItem("Examples/Foldout Usage")]staticvoidInit(){ UnityEditor.EditorWindowwindow=GetWindow(typeof(EditorGUIExample));window.position=newRect(0,0,150,60);window.Show();} voidOnGUI(){ showPosition=EditorGUI.Foldout(newRect(3,3,position.width-6,15),showPosition,status);if(showPosition)if...
Project: All the files in your project. You can drag and drop from Explorer into Unity to add files to your project. Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. ...
This is the core library of the PxPre Dropdown Menu. It is a menu generation system that can create menus through C# code for Unity. Tested and developed for Unity 2020 LTS. Sample For test assets, samples, and documentation, please see the development repo at https://github.com/Reavenk...