Debug.Log("Action_Up" + UnityEngine.InputSystem.Mouse.current.position.ReadValue()); }; } void Start(){} void Update(){} private void OnDestroy() { inputActions.Disable(); } } // 源自某一篇博客,仅给自己做笔记 10. 官方文档:
老版的Unity Input系统,都是通过这种写法来获取Input的状态的 if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) ... if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X")) ... 1. 2. 而新的Input系统,可以有多种方式来获取Input: 可以直接从Input Device里查询 可以通过Input Action来获取,这种方法要稍微麻烦一点 从Input Device里查询 其实与老...
Input Manager, and end users can configure Keyboard input in a nice screen configuration dialog. Unity 支持 键盘 摇杆 手柄。 虚拟轴和按键可以在Input Manager中创建,最终用户可以在配置框中配置键盘输入。 You can setup joysticks, gamepads, keyboard, and mouse, then access them all through one simple...
Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0); Input.GetMouseButton(0); 新版:Mouse.current.leftButton.wasPressedThisFrame; Mouse.current.leftButton.wasReleasedThisFrame; Mouse.current.leftButton.isPressed; 新旧版对比 鼠标中键、右键使用方法并无差别,将“leftButton”更换为“middleButton”/“rightButton”。
public class ExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ voidUpdate() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {Vector3mousePos =Input.mousePosition; {Debug.Log(mousePos.x);Debug.Log(mousePos.y); } } } } Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: ...
Mouse0 鼠标左键 Mouse1 鼠标右键 Mouse2 鼠标中键 Mouse3 鼠标第3个按键 Mouse4 鼠标第4个按键 Mouse5 鼠标第5个按键 Mouse6 鼠标第6个按键
I am making a 2D digital board game and adding in some player controls for camera control using the new Unity Input System (version 2020.2.6f1). For mouse and keyboard setup, I am able to measure a click and a hold (using an Interaction), but I can't seem to combine the hold of ...
01_06-鼠标输入(01_06-mouseinput) - 大小:16m 目录:01_06-鼠标输入 资源数量:52,Unity3D_Unity3D,00_01-欢迎,00_02-锻炼,00_03-巨大,01_01-楷书,01_02-第一剧本,01_03-三角洲,01_04-跨侧向梯形,01_05-键盘输入,01_06-鼠标输入,01_07-链接编辑器,01_08-组合基础,02_01-调
Let’s now jump into Unity and see how we can start detecting the mouse input. The legacy input module When we create a new Unity project, the legacy input module is enabled by default. We can access the module from UnityEngine.Input; for reading the current mouse position, we can call...