首先新建一个cube立方体 然后新建一个c#脚本,脚本用来实现立方体cube的三种颜色变化(按键实现) 脚本代码如下: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class color : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red; } ...
The color of the cube changes to charcoal.Add MRTK scripts to create buttonsMRTK has two scripts that are used to turn an object into a button:PressableButton.cs NearInteractionTouchable.csThe PressableButton script contains properties for managing the button press, such as the press distance, ...
再者,由于上面的Script也是一个组件,所以最终变成了Cube的内容,如下图所示。 启动! 在物体落在舞台上后尝试按键输入。 首先没有液体。 接下来,让我们添加流体。 我什至能够在流体上移动物体。 但是,如您所见,如果您继续键入密钥,您将“顺利”穿过墙壁。 感觉就像“你要去哪里?” 嗯,我不知道为什么到目前为止...
Double click on theSpinCubescript in theProjectwindow. This will automatically start Visual Studio. Doing that for the first time might take some time. Visual Studio should look something like this, once it's fully loaded: You should see two methods on the generated C# code: ...
各个选项分别为External Script Editor(外部脚本编辑器)、Editor Attaching(编辑器附加操作)、Image application(图像应用程序)、Asset Server diff tool(不同的资源服务器管理工具)、Android SDK Location(Android SDK路径),根据实际情况选择合适工具。 ● 当单击Colors(颜色)选项,会进入颜色编辑界面,如图2-35所示,里面...
选择Game ObjectCreate OtherCube,这样层级视图中就出现一个方块游戏对象了。在层级视图中选中方块,然后在检查器中设置TransformPosition值为0,0,0。结果如下图所示: 点击移动工具,然后在场景小座标上点击Y轴,将对象的移动限制在Y轴上。移动方块,使它位于平面(地面)之上。你还可以通过设置位置属性值为0,1,0达到相...
C# Script Asset: 通过Assets / Create / C# Script向项目添加一个新的脚本资源,并将其命名为Clock。C#是用于Unity脚本的编程语言,发音为C-sharp。让我们也立即把它放在一个新的脚本文件夹中,以保持项目的整洁 Scripts folder with Clock script, one and two column layout. ...
class in UnityEngine / Inherits from:Object / Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule Leave feedback Description Base class for everything attached to a GameObject. Note that your code will never directly create a Component. Instead, you write script code, and attach the script to a GameObject....
public class Example :MonoBehaviour{ // Creates a cube and assigns a material with a builtin Specular shader. void Start() {GameObjectcube =GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);Rendererrend = cube.GetComponent<Renderer> (); rend.material = newMaterial(Shader.Find("Specular")); } } ...
using UnityEngine; public class SceneUpdater : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("Custom/Update Scene")] static void UpdateScene() { GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } } ...