不过,请注意,禁用包含可渲染对象的GameObject 或它的父对象之一,就不可能调用 OnBecameVisible(),因为现在摄像机没有图形表示来查看和触发回调。应该将组件放在一个子GameObject 上,并让脚本禁用它,使可渲染的对象始终可见(或者找到另一种方法重新启用它)。 2.12.2 通过距离禁用对象 在其他情况下,如果组件或GameObject...
当用户成功连接到Photon Network时,将设置UI Text connectionStatus,并将roomJoinUI GameObject设置为visible。 3) 如果用户从Photon Network断开连接,则会调用OnDisconnected。在这种情况下,controlPanel GameObject设置为false,并将错误类型消息记录到Unity。 4) 最后,当用户加入房间时调用OnJoinedRoom。在这里,它检查用户...
Singleton模式/静态变量容器导致的资源常驻 DontDestroyGameObject Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets Use OnBecameVisible() and OnBecameInvisible() callbacks Use sqrMagnitude for comparing vector magnitudes Shader.PropertyToID Animator.StringToHash AddComponent & GetComponent GetComponent -> Cache Compoent GameObject.Find co...
1、具体在UGUI 中的Canvas中创建一个InventoryWindow 2、在InventoryWindow下创建空GameObject并命名Container,赋予Grid LayOut 插件 3、给InventoryWindow添加InventoryUI组件,插件将自动添加WindowUI也就是通用窗口辅助插件 4、添加拖拽功能组件DraggableWindow,这样窗口就有了拖拽功能了 至此简单的点击I键可以打开和关闭的装...
In Unity, a GameObject is a "thing" that can be placed in the world. The UE4 equivalent(等价) is an Actor. In the Unreal Editor, you can drag a new Empty Actor into the viewport from the Placement panel: 在Unity中,GameObject是一个可以放置在世界里面的东西。UE4中的Actor与之等价,在编辑...
OnWillRenderObject OnWillRenderObject is called for each camera if the object is visible. Delegates CameraCallback Delegate type for camera callbacks. Inherited Members Properties enabled Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. isActiveAndEnabled Reports whether a GameObject and its assoc...
⑩.visible skinned meshed:渲染皮肤网格的数量。 ⑪.Animations:正在播放动画的数量。 5.优化方向 在移动端性能优化: 1.渲染 利用reflect probe代替反射、折射,尽量不用RTT、GrabPass、RenderWithShader、CommandBuffer.Blit (BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive...) ...
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object. operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. Messages OnBecameInvisibleOnBecameInvisible is called when the object is no longer visible by any camera. ...
If this is intentional make sure that VolumeSettings(along with the others) is not assigned if you want the cursor to be locked. If you're instead trying to check whether the GameObject is active or not consider using the following if(VolumeSettings.activeSelf == true) Share Improve this ...
if(nmaxLod<chDist) nmaxLod = chDist; floatcy = y - Mathf.Floor(tiles * 0.5f); floatcx = x - Mathf.Floor(tiles * 0.5f); tile =newGameObject ("Lod_"chDist.ToString()":"y.ToString()"x"x.ToString()); Vector3 pos=tile.transform.position; ...