[CustomEditor(typeof(Original))]//表明挂载的是Original脚本publicclassMakeOriginalShowGUI:Editor{publicoverridevoidOnInspectorGUI(){base.OnInspectorGUI();boolisBool1 =false;boolisBool2 =false; isBool1 = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Toggle", isBool1); isBool2 = GUILayout.Button("Button"); } } 可...
1)创建 Button (按钮) 创建一个 Sprite ,设置图集,添加按钮图片,Transform 组件 Reset 一下 为Sprite 添加碰撞器: NGUI 菜单 -> Attach -> Collider 为Sprite 添加 ButtonScript 脚本: NGUI 菜单 -> Attach -> ButtonScript 2)BoxCollider 设置 Is Trigger [触发器开关] Material [材质] Center [中心位置] ...
The color of the cube changes to charcoal.Add MRTK scripts to create buttonsMRTK has two scripts that are used to turn an object into a button:PressableButton.cs NearInteractionTouchable.csThe PressableButton script contains properties for managing the button press, such as the press distance,...
While the play button is highlighted, you’re in play mode and when you leave it, any changes you made while in play mode will be lost. I, along with just about every Unity developer I’ve ever spoken with, have lost work this way, so I change my Editor’s color to make it ...
The Mobility setting controls whether an Actor will be allowed to move or change in some way during gameplay. This primarily applies to Static Mesh Actors and Light Actors. PS: 我有次点击Play,进入PlayMode后,发现物体不可以通过Transform对应的三个箭头进行拖拽,但是可以改变Details里的Transform进行改变...
然后我们将序列设置为None(),这样它将立即进入对话的下一个步骤。 如果您使用的是continue按钮,那么在序列字段上选择 "+" → Continue → Simulate continue button click,而不是使用None()。 在处理条件时,将对话管理器的调试级别临时设置为Info可能也有帮助。 这将向控制台窗口添加大量信息。 如果你仔细阅读,你...
// This is not an editor script. public class MyPlayer :MonoBehaviour{ public int armor = 75; public int damage = 25; publicGameObjectgun; voidUpdate() { //Updatelogic here... } } For example, use a custom editor to change the appearance of the script in the Inspector. ...
“+” → Continue → Simulate continue button click,而不是使用None()。 在处理条件时,将对话管理器的调试级别临时设置为Info可能也有帮助。 这将向控制台窗口添加大量信息。 如果你仔细阅读,你会发现下面这些行是相似的: DialogueSystem:Lua(x=math.random(2))DialogueSystem:Refereesays'Flipping coin...'Dia...
The Clean Cache button ensures that the Editor releases all references to the files on disk before they’re deleted. Cache size is 显示当前缓存大小。 Cache Folder Location 显示当前缓存文件夹的位置。Package ManagerUse the Package Manager preferences to change the default cache location for the ...
Fixed invocation of callback event handlers for Click, Middle Click, Right Click, Point and Scroll Wheel actions configured using the Button type instead of the default (PassThrough) with the new Input System (case 1308116) Fixed undo of a change of "Sort Order" field value for a UI Documen...