并在右侧Assets中右击新建Animation Controller命名为AC_animation,完成后双击打开: 找到Prefab中的PlayerModel模型,点击动画的三角图标,然后找到jump,run另外随便加个动画(改名字为ColorChange),将三个动画拖到AnimationController界面中: 在入口Enter上右击选择Make Transition到Run(游戏开始便run)然后如图建立连接 Run动画与...
Color.clear Leave feedback public staticColorclear; Description Completely transparent. RGBA is (0, 0, 0, 0). //Attach this script to aGameObjectwith aRenderer(go toCreate>3D Objectand select one of the first 6 options to create aGameObjectwith aRendererautomatically attached). //This script...
While the play button is highlighted, you’re in play mode and when you leave it, any changes you made while in play mode will be lost. I, along with just about every Unity developer I’ve ever spoken with, have lost work this way, so I change my Editor’s color to make it ...
public function SetColor(nameID: int, color: Color): void; Description Set a named color value. Many shaders use more than one color. Use SetColor to change the propertyName color. Common color names used by Unity's builtin shaders: "_Color" is the main color of a material. This ...
diagnostics specific to Unity. We've also made the IDE smarter by suppressing general C# diagnostics that don't apply to Unity projects. For example, the IDE won't show a quick-fix to change an inspector variable to readonly which would prevent you from modifying the variable in the Unity...
Object[] chooseObj; string[] oldName; static string head_name; //前缀名 int frist_id = 1; //从这个序号开始排序 int add_num = 1; //增量 - int numCoune = 1; //序号的位数 string[] prefixType = new string[] { "[self]#", "[self]_#", "#_[self]", "[self].#", "#.[...
Change Log v1.14.0 - 2024-12-02 Added a "From Ellipsoid" option toCesium3DTilesetto generate a tileset by tessellating the surface of the ellipsoid, producing a simple globe tileset without terrain features. Fixed a bug inCesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlaythat caused automatic Tile Matrix ...
Select theCubein theHierarchywindow. You see the cube properties in theInspectorwindow. InInspector, rename the cubePlayerButton. InInspector, change thePlayerButtonPositionto0, 0, 0.9. The Z-axis value controls the distance (or depth) of the object from your view. This setting positions th...
struct in UnityEngine Description Representation of RGBA colors. This structure is used throughout Unity to pass colors around. Each color component is a floating point value with a range from 0 to 1. Components (r,g,b) define a color in RGB color space. Alpha component (a) defines transp...
调小Field of view(广角设定)减少畸变 Orthographic 正交视图(Isometric 等距视图) 物体大小与距离无关 常用于物体的布局、对齐操作 4.2 ⭐物体操作 可以在 Inspector 窗口拖动 X Y Z Move tool 移动工具(W):沿着坐标轴、坐标平面移动 Rotate tool 旋转工具(E) ...