//Attach this script to aGameObject//This script creates aUnityEventthat calls a method when a key is pressed //Note that 'q' exits this application. using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; public class Example :MonoBehaviour{UnityEventm_MyEvent = newUnityEvent(); ...
In this example, we will attach the script toMainCamera. First, locate and select “Main Camera” in theHierarchytab on the left hand side of the Editor. Drag your script from the Projects tab and drop it on the Main CameraGameObject. In theInspectorwindow, with Main Camera selected, you...
Now you can add some code to drive the enemy logic so that it pursues the player. Right-click the Assets folder in the Project window and select Create > C# Script. Name the new C# script "EnemyAI". To attach scripts to game objects drag the newly created script onto the Enemy object...
Now you can add some code to drive the enemy logic so that it pursues the player. Right-click the Assets folder in the Project window and select Create > C# Script. Name the new C# script "EnemyAI". To attach scripts to game objects drag the newly created script onto the Enemy object...
//Attach this script to aGameObjectwith anAnimatorcomponent attached. //For this example, create parameters in theAnimatorand name them “Crouch” and “Jump” //Apply these parameters to your transitions between states //This script allows you to trigger anAnimatorparameter and reset the other ...
You could then attach the TieFighter script to a gameobject, and then drag your xml-asset from your assetsfolder onto the myXMLSettings public field.Please note that this example is much better at showing how you could use a ScriptableObject than how to properly implement a TieFighter, as I...
You could then attach the TieFighter script to a gameobject, and then drag your xml-asset from your assetsfolder onto the myXMLSettings public field.Please note that this example is much better at showing how you could use a ScriptableObject than how to properly implement a TieFighter, as I...
public GameObject xia; //下活动物体全件public bool mouseroute; //鼠标旋转开关,用以后面死亡时候进行关闭鼠标旋转。public float sudu; //player移动速度public float transform_rpc_X; //rpc到服务器的方向Xpublic float transform_rpc_Y; //rpc到服务器的方向Ypublic Vector3 jia_shang_route_rpc; //rpc...
首先新建一个空的GameObject并重命名为line,之后选择Component-Effects-Line Renderer为这个GameObject添加LineRenderer之后我们先把DrawLine脚本挂上去完后修改DrawLine脚本public class DrawLine : MonoBehaviour {public Color color = Color.red;public List<Vector3> LinePoint;private static GameObject ObjLine;private ...
Unity中的脚本(Script)由附加到游戏对象(GameObject)的自定义脚本对象(Custom Script Object)组成,它们又被称为行为。脚本对象中各种函数被称为必然事件(Certain Event)。常用的必然事件有如下三个: 1、Update:该函数在渲染帧之前被调用,大部分的游戏行为代码都在这里执行,除了 ...