Solution can be found on Unity forums, I'll quote for convenience. Not directly, but you can use the InstanceID to rename the object, and then do a GameObject.Find using the InstanceID to access the object that way.
Trying to get a FsmGameObject (global var) from PlayMaker and store it into a GameObject var in my script. Right now I have: Code:[Select] grabZone = grabFSM.FsmVariables.GlobalVariables.GetFsmGameObject("currentGrabZone"); This gives me the error: ...
2. Open the “/Assets/scene.unity” Scene 3. Right-click “test“ GameObject (shapell > test) 4. Select ModularAvatar > Setup Outfit 5. Press CTRL + Z 6. Repeat steps 3 - 5Expected result: Editor does not crash and continues to run Actual result: Editor crashes...
Create a new GameObject, assignGamepadInput.csto it Load the mappings by draggingcontroller_mappings_data.csvin theMappings Datafield of the script, then right-clicking the script header and selectingApply Mappings. This will create all controller mappings that you can inspect and modify. ...
I’ve downloaded and tested this project on the newest Unity version (3.4) and everything worked as expected. Maybe you could recompile the scripts? Reply Rage says: July 4, 2012 at 6:45 pm Got the same issue. The problems cames that the script must be added to a gameObject. Leavi...