GetPostprocessOrder Override the order in which importers are processed. GetVersion Returns the version of the asset postprocessor. Messages OnAssignMaterialModel Feeds a source material. OnPostprocessAllAssets This is called after importing of any number of assets is complete (when the Assets progre...
Essentially whenever it is inconvenient to assign the reference to the object in the inspector. For example you might want to create a game object procedurally from a script and for example assign a texture to a procedurally generated mesh.Some loaded assets, most notably textures, can use up ...
sourceMaterial在模型导入并在销毁前,OnAssignMaterial之后直接从模型生成。 1.class MyMeshPostprocessor extends AssetPostprocessor { 2. 3.function OnAssignMaterialModel (material : Material , renderer : Renderer ) : Material 4.{ 5.var materialPath = "Assets/" + + ".mat"; 6. 7...
整合: 已修正使用執行個體選取對話方塊時的流程重新整理。 已修正 UNT0006 診斷,為協同程式和 AssetPostprocessor.OnAssignMaterialModel 提供錯誤警告。 年 11 月 10 日發行新功能整合: 已改善 UNT0010 診斷以套用至繼承自 Component 的所有項目,而不只是 MonoBehaviour。
If I want an image in my UI, I simply click on GameObject | UI | Image and assign a 2D sprite image to this new component. I can set these values just as with any other game object. I hope you see a pattern by now. To create a simple GUI, create the UI objects via the GameO...
To adjust the bounds and center, in the Touchable Collider properties, select both Fix Bounds and Fix Center. For the object to be a button, you must assign the PlayerButton object in the PressableButton script. Within the PressableButton component, drag the PlayerButton object to the Movin...
To assign an AssetBundle to an asset pack, move the .bundle file to the “{asset pack name}.androidpack” directory (see PlayAssetDeliveryBuildProcessor.cs). We also maintain a system that keeps track of all our custom asset pack names which bundles are assigned to them (see BuildScriptPlay...
LogError("Please assign a target Skybox material."); return; } } void Update() { Matrix4x4 LtoW = moon.transform.localToWorldMatrix; targetMaterial.SetMatrix("LToW",LtoW); if (targetMaterial == null) return; if (sun) { Vector3 sunDirection = -sun.transform.forward.normalized; target...
WebTool.cs is a simple script to control webcam in Unity. There is a Test_WebcamTool sample scene showing how to use the script. How to Use Attach WebTool.cs to a GameObject. In the inpector, set your webcam device name and requested resolution. (optional) Assign a material to appl...