Relevant Code: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':unityLibrary'. > Cannot change resolution strategy of dependency configuration ':unityLibrary:aarArtifacts' after it has been resolved. ...
转载自: 因来源于论坛所以自己有所整理。 Unity 程序发布后,弹出的分辨率、画质等选择窗口,怎么设置其不显示? Resolution:设置默认分辨率、是否全屏。 Display Resolution Dialog:选 Disable 你选的分辨率和屏幕大小才起作用,才能禁止... ...
Resolution and Presentation settings for Android.设置描述 Fullscreen Mode Specifies how the window appears on the device. This sets the default window mode at startup. Fullscreen Window The application window fills the full-screen native resolution of the device. To fill the full-screen window, ...
Android 平台的 Aspect Ratio Mode 设置 为设备设置 Aspect Ratio Mode。可以选择 Legacy Wide Screen (1.86)、Native Aspect Ratio 和Custom。选择 Custom 时,会出现 Up To 字段。使用Up To 属性设置自定义的最大屏幕宽度。仅当 Aspect Ratio Mode 设置为 Custom 时,此属性才可用。
Unable to run game developed by unity3d. Error: couldn't switch ro requested monitor resolution Details: Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one All reqolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1280x720 fs=1) ...
Unity得到Android消息重置分辨率 nScreenWidth + 1,触发update中的调整分辨率 再还原 public void ResetResolutionOnLayoutChange() { CancelInvoke("FixResolutionCorutine"); Invoke("FixResolutionCorutine", 2.0f);//2秒后再触发,避免闪屏 } private void FixResolutionCorutine() ...
点击File->Build Settings ,点击Add Open Scenes ,选中保存的项目,在平台中选择Android,点击底部的Player Settings 在这些位置需要编辑包名,主要是公司名称和产品名称,注意不能有数字。 在Resolution and Presentation 中勾选Landscape Left 或者Landscape Right,因为Cardboard 中默认手机是横向放置,所以默认选择横屏,一般...
1) If you set the maximum resolution (4096*4096) in the texture settings in the editor, then when you try to change the resolution to any lower one (2048,1024,512,256) using the SetTexturesResolution() method and render the texture using the Ren...
还有一点需要注意,经过我的测试发现 横屏游戏时 Android切到后台在返回前台渲染区域变成竖屏了。 所以每次切到前台的时候一定要强制设置一下分辨率。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 voidOnApplicationPause(boolpaused) { Logger.Print("paused:",paused); if(!paused){ ...
Resolution Scaling Fixed DPI FactorDownscales the device’s screen resolution below its native resolution. For more details, seeAndroid Playersettings andiOS Playersettings. V Sync CountChoose to synchronize rendering with vertical blanks or not to synchronize at all. Unity can synchronize rendering wit...