Android 平台的 Resolution and Presentation 设置 - 窗口化 设置功能 Fullscreen Mode 选择全屏模式。此设置定义了启动时的默认窗口模式。 Fullscreen Window 将应用程序窗口设置为显示器的全屏原始分辨率。Unity 以脚本设置的分辨率(或在构建的应用程序启动时由用户选择)渲染应用程序内容,但是将其缩放以填充窗口。缩放...
点击File->Build Settings ,点击Add Open Scenes ,选中保存的项目,在平台中选择Android,点击底部的Player Settings 在这些位置需要编辑包名,主要是公司名称和产品名称,注意不能有数字。 在Resolution and Presentation 中勾选Landscape Left 或者Landscape Right,因为Cardboard 中默认手机是横向放置,所以默认选择横屏,一般...
FWIW, the error I got was the resolution I was already using (!), so a simple check of the current resolution before attempting to apply a new one and only doing it if it's different might sidestep the problem
By default the Android Resolver will use Gradle to download dependencies prior to integrating them into a Unity project. This works with Unity's internal build system and Gradle/Android Studio project export. It's possible to change the resolution strategy via theAssets > External Dependency Manager...
1) If you set the maximum resolution (4096*4096) in the texture settings in the editor, then when you try to change the resolution to any lower one (2048,1024,512,256) using the SetTexturesResolution() method and render the texture using the Re...
还有一点需要注意,经过我的测试发现 横屏游戏时 Android切到后台在返回前台渲染区域变成竖屏了。 所以每次切到前台的时候一定要强制设置一下分辨率。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 voidOnApplicationPause(boolpaused) { Logger.Print("paused:",paused); if(!paused){ ...
If a change occurs, the memory becomes dirty. Swapped Dirty 0.2 0.2 The application uses Dirty memory as space for computations. Android does not have a swap mechanism so dirty memory is also RAM that will be freed when the app exits. However, Swapped Dirty is used on some Android devices...
动态分辨率 (dynamic resolution)*: 一种摄像机设置,允许动态缩放单个渲染目标,以便减少 GPU 上的工作负载。更多信息 Enlighten*: 在Unity 中使用的光照系统(由 Geomerics 提供),可用于计算全局光照 (GI)。更多信息 ETC: (Ericsson 纹理压缩,Ericsson Texture Compression)一种基于块的纹理格式,可压缩纹理以显著减小文...
Resolution: You can find the Android symbols here: Mono scripting backend: ForMacOS: /Applications/Unity/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Variations/mono/Release/Symbols ForWindows: C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Variations\mono\Release\Symbols\armeabi-v7a\
AVNMNetworkGroupMembershipChange AVNMRuleCollectionChange AVSSyslog AWSCloudTrail AWSCloudWatch AWSGuardDuty AWSVPCFlow AWSWAF AZFWApplicationRule AZFWApplicationRuleAggregation AZFWDnsQuery AZFWFatFlow AZFWFlowTrace AZFWIdpsSignature AZFWInternalFqdnResolutionFailure AZFWNatRule AZFWNatRuleAggregation AZFWNetwo...