Switches the screen resolution. 切换屏幕分辨率。 A width by height resolution will be used. If no matching resolution is supported, the closest one will be used. 应用有宽高的分辨率,如果没有匹配的分辨率被支持,将使用最接近的分辨率。 If preferredRefreshRate is 0 (default) Unity will switch to t...
usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;publicclassExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {voidStart() { Resolution[] resolutions=Screen.resolutions;foreach(Resolution resinresolutions) { print(res.width+"x"+res.height); } Screen.SetResolution(resolutions[0].width, resolutions[0].height,true); } } 设置全屏: ...
UnitySetScreen 注:Unity3D中这个比例的默认值是100,即100像素等于1单位。如果我们的游戏屏幕有640像素高,那么实际换算成单位高度则是6.4个单位,当我们摄像机的orthographicSize值是3.2时,摄像机大小刚好与屏幕大小相等 4、Unity3D中的屏幕适配设置 4-1:像素适配设置(固定分辨率) FixedResolution 2、屏幕宽高比屏幕的...
If you usemulti-display, you can only useScreen.SetResolutionto set the resolution of the primary screen. A resolution switch does not happen immediately; it happens when the current frame is finished. using UnityEngine; public class ExampleScript :MonoBehaviour{ void Start() { //Switchto 640 ...
This issue is primarily a problem with Windows, DXGI, and/or the graphics driver, in which Windows fails (refuses) to set the requested ExclusiveFullScreen resolution in some situations. That is, it's ultimately a bug in the OS and not something Unity (or ...
Unity Fullscreen Resolution for Mac & Windows After doing a bit of searching, I have found an answer that works for both Mac and Windows users. If you would like to use a resolution of, for example, 1024×427 (which is an anamorphic widescreen resolution); you must set the following pla...
Unity Fullscreen Resolution for Mac & Windows After doing a bit of searching, I have found an answer that works for both Mac and Windows users. If you would like to use a resolution of, for example, 1024×427 (which is an anamorphic widescreen resolution); you must set the following pla...
unityscreen.width无法获得game窗口大小 您羡岁要问的是unityscreen.width无法获得game窗口大小的原因是什么?原因有游戏窗口未激活、游戏窗口大小未设置。1、游戏窗口未激活:如果游戏窗口未激活,即未与操作系统窗口关联,那么使用Screen.width和Screen.height获取到的就
4. In Player Settings, observe that Graphics API is set to Vulkan (Edit > Project Settings > Player Settings) 5. Build and Run the “_Complete-Game/-Complete-Game“ Scene on Quest 6. In Player, press X to lower the render scale
using UnityEngine;public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Start in landscape mode void Start() { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; } } If the value is set to ScreenOrientation.AutoRotation then the screen selects from any of the options (enabled by autorotateToPortrait...