这个插件有啥好处呢? 相对于直接录屏有这么几点好处:可以自定义输出分辨率,不再...这个选项可以多重采样,减少输出图像中的锯齿。 **当然我们最常用的还是Game视图这个选项。**选择GameView这个选项时,下面的Output Resolution中可以选择多种分辨率,不过对于 ...
Unable to run game developed by unity3d. Error: couldn't switch ro requested monitor resolution Details: Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one All reqolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1280x720 fs=1) Hi@sunhugewelcome to the Proton issue...
二、游戏窗口 Game 游戏 Simulator 仿真器 Display 显示器,支持多屏显示,最高8个摄像头视角 Portrait 纵向 Landscape 横向 Low Resolution Aspect Ratios 低分辨率纵横比 VSync(仅限游戏视图)【Vertical Sync】垂直同步 Free Aspect 自由分辨 Add 自定义添加 Label 标签名 Type 类型 Aspect Ratio 固定纵横比 Fixed R...
Resolution Use theResolutionsection to customize the screen mode and default size. SettingDescription Run Without FocusEnable this property to keep your application running even when it’s not in focus but is visible, such as on devices supporting split-screen mode. When disabled, the application ...
1) If you set the maximum resolution (4096*4096) in the texture settings in the editor, then when you try to change the resolution to any lower one (2048,1024,512,256) using the SetTexturesResolution() method and render the texture using the Re...
You have the option of adding a custom banner image to the Screen Resolution Dialog in the Standalone Player. The maximum image size is 432 x 163 pixels. The image will not be scaled up to fit the screen selector. Instead it will be centered and cropped.Publishing...
3.为了控制光照贴图的精度, 进入Bake面板 并调整Resolution的值. (为了更好的了解你的 lightmap texels使用情况,在Scene 视窗中找到Lightmap Display小窗口并且选择Show Resolution). 1. 点击 Bake 按钮。 2. Unity Editor's 会出现一个进度条,位置处于右下角. ...
在Resolution and Presentation 中勾选Landscape Left 或者Landscape Right,因为Cardboard 中默认手机是横向放置,所以默认选择横屏,一般习惯是Left。 然后点击Build And Run ,选择安装包的位置,等待手机运行即可(当然手机要通过usb连着电脑了,而且只能连一台手机,因为没有可以选择安装在哪一台手机上的过程),第一次编译...
Baked Resolution的参数值调成1后,阴影的边变的很虚了 Indirect Intensity:间接强度,这个和unity4.x里的参数有些像,可以简单的理解为光的反射强度。 Bounce Boost:反弹强度,同一单位面积内增大光的反射数量,相比较来说,这个值增大会直接影响渲染时间。
If the sensor gate aspect ratio is the same as the resolution gate aspect ratio or if the camera is not in physical mode, then this method returns the same value as the fieldofview property. GetGateFittedLensShift Retrieves the effective lens offset of the camera, including GateFit. ...