4.When you attach a Mesh Collider to a GameObject, its Mesh property will default to the mesh being rendered. You can change that by assigning a different Mesh. 当为游戏对象附加了网格碰撞器,其网格属性将被定义为用于渲染的网格,可以通过指派其他网格来改变。 5.To add multiple Colliders for an ...
4.When you attach a Mesh Collider to a GameObject, its Mesh property will default to the mesh being rendered. You can change that by assigning a different Mesh.当为游戏对象附加了⽹格碰撞器,其⽹格属性将被定义为⽤于渲染的⽹格,可以通过指派其他⽹格来改变。5.To add multiple Colliders...
(轮胎组件的转速,每分钟多少转) 02:27 WheelCollider.GetGroundHit,WheelHit(获取轮胎组件碾压物体的对象,轮胎碾压碰撞检测) 05:25 代码控制LUT贴图和权重 ColorLookup,TryGet,Volume(代码控制LUT调色) 07:10 GameObject.AddComponent<>()(代码给对象添加组件) 03:44 Destroy(this)(代码删除对象上的组件) 03:33 ...
{ 虚线点.Add(Instantiate(虚线点美术模板)); 虚线点[虚线点.Count - 1].gameObject.SetActive(true); } } public Transform 起点, 终点, 炮弹; public Vector3 终点位置, 起点位置, 发射方向向量; public float 发射力度, 已经移动时间, 总移动时间; void Update() { 终点位置 = 终点.position; 起点位置...
You add functionality to GameObjects by adding Components. Everything you add is a Component and they all show up in the Inspector window. There are MeshRender and SpriteRender Components; Components for audio and camera functionality; physics-related Components (colliders and rigidbod...
If you add multiple Spatial Mapping Collider components to your Scene, each individual component generates its own set of Surface GameObjects. For example, if two GameObjects in your Scene contain a Spatial Mapping Collider then your Scene contains two sets of Surface GameObjects; one generated by...
importer to fit your needs. For example, you might want to add MeshColliders to someGameObjectsThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it.More ...
(exColliders != null) 48 { 49 foreach (var item in exColliders) 50 { 51 item.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.red; 52 Rigidbody rig = item.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); 53 //添加爆炸力效果 54 rig.AddExplosionForce(force, this.transform.position, 20, upwardsModifier,...
Collider Type: This option is used to add a collider to the extruded buildings. The available types of colliders that you can apply to your buildings are Box Collider, Mesh Collider, or Sphere Collider. Note that if you haveCombine Meshesselected, this option will add a collider to the ent...
Compound Colliders are combinations of primitive Colliders, collectively acting as a single Collider. They come in handy when you have a complex mesh to use in collisions but cannot use aMesh Collider. To create a Compound Collider, create child objects of your colliding object, then add a pr...