打开AI角色蓝图 - 在“事件图表”窗口右键创建“自定义事件custom event”,命名为“random wander随机漫游”。 “随机漫游”后跟“到Location的简单移动Simple Move To Location”函数。 “Get controller获取控制器”函数返回值与“到Location的简单移动”的controller参数连接。 2.随机点 “获取半径内能到达的随机点”...
// 使用函数库,将角色移动到目标位置 UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::SimpleMoveToLocation(this, CachedDestination); //使用Niagara生成生成粒子特效 UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAtLocation(this, FXCursor, CachedDestination, FRotator::ZeroRotator, FVector(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), true, true, ENCPoolMethod::...
}//从新刷新全部的NavDataSet//UNavigationSystemV1::GetNavigationSystem(World)->Build();//生成完毕后的回调.会传入完成的NavDataSet//subSys->OnNavigationGenerationFinishedDelegate Q.中止已经在运行的SimpleMoveToActor或SimpleMoveToLocation: 参考源码的UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::GetPathComp和UAIBlueprintHelperLi...
EBTNodeResult::TypeUBTTask_MoveTo::PerformMoveTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent&OwnerComp,uint8*NodeMemory){...EBTNodeResult::TypeNodeResult=EBTNodeResult::Failed;if(MyController&&MyBlackboard){// 设置AIMove的请求结构体FAIMoveRequestMoveReq;...// 根据黑板的key来设置是移动到actor 还是 locationif(Blackboa...
角色生成:gamemode设置pawn是LyraCharacter,但是生成了B_SimpleHeroPawn 传送点生成:蓝图类B_ExperienceList3D-生成Actor B Teleport to User Facing Experience 传送逻辑:B_TeleportToUserFacingExperience蓝图类-事件Actor开始重叠-GetWorld()->ServerTravel(Request->ConstructTravelURL()); ...
Things like the backpack that you physically have to pull from your shoulder, or the gas mask that becomes quite claustrophobic when you wear it on your face. All these interactions feel logical and simple, but that doesn’t come easy. It takes a lot of work to make you forget yo...
Root Location Lerp Intensity: Intensity of the smoothing on the location of the root of the skeleton. Used to avoid sudden displacement which can happen in case of unstable data from the camera. Skeletal Mesh: Used to give the skeletal mesh to the C++ script, which then manipulates its Pose...
The simple migration of static meshes now becomes a very ugly task.2.2.3 Samples, Templates, and Marketplace Content Are Risk-FreeAn extension to 2.2.2, if a team member decides to add sample content, template files, or assets they bought from the marketplace, it is guaranteed, as long ...
In the Modes tab underGeometry, drag a Sphere into your scene. Once you do, go to the Details tab and set its Location toX = 150, Y = 0, Z = 0. We move it here because the ZED will start at 0,0,0, and we want the sphere to appear in front of the camera. Also set the...
The simple migration of static meshes now becomes a very ugly task.2.2.3 Samples, Templates, and Marketplace Content Are Risk-FreeAn extension to 2.2.2, if a team member decides to add sample content, template files, or assets they bought from the marketplace, it is guaranteed, as long ...