打开AI角色蓝图 - 在“事件图表”窗口右键创建“自定义事件custom event”,命名为“random wander随机漫游”。 “随机漫游”后跟“到Location的简单移动Simple Move To Location”函数。 “Get controller获取控制器”函数返回值与“到Location的简单移动”的controller参数连接。 2.随机点 “获取半径内能到达的随机点”...
(用向量计算方向) 03:05 Rect.PointToNormalized (通过屏幕鼠标位置获取UI的百分比位置) 05:12 Rect.NormalizedToPoint(获取UI百分比位置的像素坐标) 04:55 WWW类读取图片(读取图片,下载图片) 05:59 Vector3.Dot(点乘以及实际应用,判断是否在物体前后的功能) 04:10 通过关键帧产生事件(动画事件) 05:24 Animator...
FNavLocation UAIPerceptionComponent MAX_FIT(define) API参考 AIController Controller virtual voidOnPossessed() MakeLiteralName() GetBlackboard() RunBehaviorTree() AIMoveTo() virtual void OnPossess() SetPerceptionComponent() GetPawn() SetFocused() UBTTaskNode virtual ExecuteTask() UBehaviorTreeCompone...
然后MoveTo节点读取这个黑板值对AIPawn进行移动。到现在一切看似十分完美,但是我们仔细思考就会发现问题,如果这个空地上有一些墙体或者是凹凸不平的石头怎么办呢,如果我们随机的位置刚好卡在石头中间,亦或是我们随机几次的Location的位置是AI到达不了的,或者是空间比较狭小AI无法过去,如下面这些图所示 如果我们强行把AI移...
(Mesh); // === Mesh MATERIALS === // --- TOP / BOTTOM --- // todo move this to a function if (!MaterialSlots.Contains(EBuildingMaterialSlots::All) && MaterialSlots.Contains(EBuildingMaterialSlots::Top_Bottom)) { // allocate a new material id int32 TopBotMatId = MaterialSet....
Find a way to use Mass SmartObject Eval effectively in the State Tree (DONE) Convert logic in RTSMovementProcessor to State Tree (KINDOF DONE) Agent gets stuck after using one smart object, find out why (DONE) The UseSmartObject task also messes with the MoveTargetFragment. It seems to ...
// As the zip is being created, it will be stored somewhere: // to a pipe: CreateZipHandle(hpipe_write); // in a file (by handle): CreateZipHandle(hfile); // in a file (by name): CreateZip("c:\\test.zip"); // in memory: CreateZip(buf, len); // or in pagefile ...
how our character can move3. how it can jump 4. how it can look up and down5. how it can have cameras to be like first person or third person6. how we can use spring arm properly06. next we talk about the animationsfor this section again we start from very basic stuff to more ...
16 413.Set Move-To Location 15:51 414.Beacons 15:50 415.Map Entrance 31:10 416.Dungeon Stair Entrance 14:05 417.Dungeon Entrance Blueprints 14:51 418.Polish Menu 04:59 419.Spawn Volumes 24:55 420.Player Death 18:11 421.Loot Tiers 38:42 422.Loot Effects 21:07 423.Loot Drop Curve ...
在对MassEntity 的构成(Composition)进行修改时,也就意味着这个 MassEntity 的原型 Archetype 发生了改变,因此也需要找到对应的 MassArchetypeData 并执行 MoveEntityToAnotherArchetype,将 MassEntity 移动到新的 Archetype 下。 EntityData.CurrentArchetype->MoveEntityToAnotherArchetype(Entity, NewArchetype); FMassArc...