▲图1 The three types of semiconductor heterojunctions organized by band alignment. 半导体能带对齐有重要意义。比如,对于电子器件来说,常用的为 type-I band alignment, 要求 CBO/VBO 大于 1eV 才能更有效的束缚电子/空穴,减小漏电[2]。type-II 异质结在异质结光催化分解水领域,可以有效减小电子空穴对符合,提...
Polarized piezoreflectance (PzR) and photoreflectance (PR) are employed to study band alignment in Ga0.46In0.54Ny P1–y/GaAs heterostructures grown by gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy. The features near the band edge of Ga0.46In0.54Ny P1–y show strong polarization dependence, indicating the ...
SnS 2 /Bi 2 X 3 异质结构光电性能的显著提高主要是由于: (i) 异质结构中光激发电子和空穴的有效分离; (ii) SnS 2 /Bi 2 X 3 异质结构与电解质界面具有更高的电荷转移效率和载流子密度; (iii) 异质结构的构建拓宽了光的吸收范围. 此外, 直立的SnS 2 还可以有效地捕获光子以提高其光电性能. I型SnS ...
In general, the perovskite-based vdWHs have various functional properties due to their different band alignments for Type I, Type II and Type III. However, it is challenging to realize the flexible switch of band alignments in heterostructure for diverse applications. In this paper, we ...
ii型能带排列(type-ii band alignment)的半导体异质结 半导体异质结是由两个不同材料的半导体构成的结构,其中每个材料的能带结构不同。能带排列是指异质结中能带边缘的对齐方式。在ii型能带排列中,导带的最低能级和价带的最高能级分别位于两个半导体中,这意味着电子和空穴在异质结中分别是在不同的半导体中迁移。
ii型能带排列(type-ii band alignment)的半导体异质结 1. 引言 1.1 概述 在当前半导体领域的研究中,半导体异质结作为一种重要的结构形式,被广泛应用于光电子器件、太阳能电池、传感器等领域。其中,ii型能带排列的半导体异质结因其特殊的能带布局而备受关注。本文将重点讨论ii型能带排列在半导体异质结中的性质和应用。
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignment in Ga(Sb, P)/GaP heterostructures with pseudomorphic self-assembled quantum dots Band alignment of heterostructures with pseudomorphic GaSb 1 x P x /GaP self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) lying on a wetting layer was studied. Coexi... DS Ab...