Transcription is the primary control point for gene expression. It therefore determines cellular function and cell identity, and must be tightly regulated to achieve a high degree of specificity. Thus, it is not surprising that transcription is subject to regulation at each of its steps — initiati...
which is a sensitive live-cell imaging method to measure the interaction of CSB with lesion-stalled Pol II46. CSB–mScarlet-I FRAP showed strong and dose-dependent immobilization after FA treatment, with 300 µM of FA resulting in a similar CSB immobilization level as ...
Transcription is a complex and dynamic process representing the first step in gene expression that can be readily controlled through current tools in molecular biology. Elucidating and subsequently controlling transcriptional processes in various prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms have been a key element in...
3.5The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: RNA Transcription and Processing Sections of DNA calledgenesencode the information needed to create proteins. There are over 20,000 protein-encoding genes within the 46 chromosomes that constitute the human genome. There are three steps in the process of ...
DNAis a double helix structure of complementary bases which contain all the genetic information necessary for life. DNA goes through a process called transcription which copies the code intoRNA(ribonucleic acid). RNA, unlike DNA, is single-stranded and uses the nucleotide base uracil instead of th...
Transcriptional activation is one of the most common mechanisms for the control of gene regulation and appears to be a universally conserved process in all eukaryotes, from fungi to metazoans (Fischer et al., 1988; Ma et al., 1988; Webster et al., 1988). We utilized the principle of activ...
The 11 GO terms associated to all cells were: oxidation-reduction process, innate immune response, positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, negative regulation of apoptotic process, angiogenesis, lipid metabolic process, positive regulation of cell proliferation, positive ...
NAC [no apical meristem (NAM), Arabidopsis transcription activation factor (ATAF1/2) and cup-shaped cotyledon (CUC2)] proteins is one of the largest classes of plant specific transcription factors and plays a critical role in plant growth, development process, and abiotic/biotic stresses. In th...
In this process, proteins crosslinked with DNA are degraded to remnant peptides by the VCP/p97 and proteasome axis, before removal by NER. ΔUVSSA or POLR2A-K1268R cells showed milder cellular phenotypes compared to ΔCSB cells, raising the possibility that the removal of aldehyde-induced ...
TCR is a subpathway of the ubiquitous process of nucleotide excision repair; it removes lesions from the template DNA strands of actively transcribed genes. TCR is superimposed on the global genomic subpathway of nucleotide excision repair, which removes DNA damage throughout the genome. The most pr...