Wolstenholme, The Structure and Function of Chromatin , Ciba Foundation Symposium 28, London, on April 3–5, 1974, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1975H. Ris, Chromosomal structure as seen by electron microscopy, “The Structure and Function of Chromatin” Ciba Foundation Symposium 28, p...
During differentiation and development, these elements form specific interactions in dynamic higher-order chromatin structures. However, the relationship between genome structure and its function in gene regulation is not completely understood. Here we review recent progress in this field and discuss ...
Stable inheritance of telomere chromatin structure and function in the absence of telomeric repeats It is generally believed that telomeric repeats are a necessary and sufficient cis-element for telomere function. Here we show that telomere structure and ... Sadaie,M. - 《Genes & Development》 被...
Nuclear and nucleolar localization of the 72,000-dalton heat shock protein in heat-shocked mammalian cells. The intracellular location of the major induced mammalian heat shock (or stress) protein (Mr = 72,000) has been determined by both biochemical and immunolo... WJ Welch,JR Feramisco - ...
The complexities of chromatin. Chromatin structure and function, second edition (1995). Alan Wolffe. Academic Press Ltd. pp. xi 299. Price 80. ISBN 0-12-761912-7 doi:10.1002/bies.950180413BioEssaysJackson, Dean
利用DAVID网站(https://david.ncifcrf.gov)对白藜芦醇治疗OSCC潜在靶点相关生物过程(biological process,BP)、细胞组分(cellular component,CC)、分子功能(molecular function,MF)和信号转导通路进行富集分析与数据整理,建立数据文件。确定BP、CC、MF涉及的相关条目。根据P<0.05确定KEGG(Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and...
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With our growing understanding about the structure and function of single AAA+ proteins the question arises how these proteins compare to each other. Striking similarities of all AAA+ ATPases are the strong structural conservation of the ASCE domain and its hexameric arrangement in the active ...
Related to Chromatin structure:nucleosome chro·ma·tin (krō′mə-tĭn) n. A complex of nucleic acids and proteins, primarily histones, in the cell nucleus that stains readily with basic dyes and condenses to form chromosomes during cell division. ...
A very attractive reagent for this purpose is formaldehyde, a small molecule which is known to rapidly penetrate into all cellular compartments and to preserve the protein structure. In light of these benefits, it is surprising that identification of formaldehyde cross-links by mass spectrometry has...