Psychologist Angela Duckworth studies the traits that allow us to stick to our goals — and she chose four great talks that explore other facets of how human beings behave.
But we need to be very careful when we act protractedly out of character. Sometimes we may find that we don't take care of ourselves. I find, for example, after a period of pseudo-extroverted behavior, I need to repair ...
How to trick yourself into good behavior* Bob Nease By now, we all know that people make lousy decisions and behave badly. We eat the cake, wait until the last minute to do our taxes, and generally work against our own self-interest no matter how much we want to succeed. So…what ca...
We think of negotiation as being about talking.我们以为谈判就是讲述。But in fact, it's really about listening.而实际上聆听才是谈判的真谛。If you study the behavior of successful negotiators, you find that they listen far more than they talk.如果你研究成功谈判者的行为,你就会发现他们的聆听远远...
SOCIETY & CULTURE UPDATED DAILY Want TED Talks on the go? Everyday, this feed brings you our latest talks in audio format. Hear thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable – from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between – given by the world's leading thinkers an...
So you can master that executive function app on your phone, but that's not going to help you stop pouring OJ on your Cheeerios twice a week. (Laughter) If you really want to improve your executive function in a way that matters for your life, you have to understand how it's influen...
new ways to cope with everyday stressors, the following TED talks on stress can help you. Not only will these best TED talks about stress share strategies for dealing with stress, but they will also dig deeper and reveal the oftentimes negative effects of stress on your brain and behavior....
Emotions are fundamental in understanding human behavior. Want a better understanding of emotions? We’ve put together a list of must-see TED Talks on emotions.
July 1, 2014 What can be guessed about you from your online behavior? Two computer privacy experts -- economist Alessandro Acquisti and computer scientist Jennifer Golbeck -- on how little we know about how much others know. Continue reading...
it locks down into that receptor and information comes into the cells that tells the cells to turn on this collective behavior of making light. 荷尔蒙与受器相结合,讯息开始向细胞内部传递,这个讯息告诉这些细胞开始表现此集体行为,并开始发光。