or turning them into compulsive users, the way that some ideologues would have you believe. It's a rare person who doesn't see some pornography in their youth. By the time they're 18 years old, 93 percent of first year college males and 62 percent of females have seen pornogra...
【TED-0606】Feelings: Handle them before they handle you | Mandy Saligari | TEDxGuildford(18:00) Feelings are what we have the most of and know the least about; handle them or they will handle you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD4O7ama3o8 https://ted.ensplash.com/talks/...
His two dogs, Kronk and Max, and kitty, Schrodinger, will be featured in this TEDx talk as Kronk has to overcome the challenges of one of the scariest subsets of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Wynn Tashman Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Consultant Wynn Tashman is an ...
Fear and anxiety, says Braitman, are helpful animal emotions when they are reactions to threats; even OCD is an exaggeration of a positive animal behavior, the desire to groom and stay clean. As she tells tales of cats with PTSD and a one-armed monkey who found solace in a friendship ...