And meetings are just toxic, terrible, poisonous things during the day at work. 但是还有比这更糟糕的呢,那就是开会。开会的时候是一天中最无聊又烦人、又浪费时间的事。 We all know this to be true, and you would never see a sp...
(Laughter) And when contagious understanding is paired with individual ignorance, it can be a toxic recipe. (Laughter) The danger is that I may express a strong belief because I feel like I understand. But my sense of understanding is false. It comes from those around me, expressing strong... Simon Berrow: How do you save a shark you know nothing about? They're the second-largest fish in the world, they're almost extinct, and we know almost nothing about them. In this talk, Simon Be...
A culture is something you feel as well as see. It is a powerful element that manifests itself throughout a workplace. It is the values, beliefs, styles, and experiences reflected in the behavior of the employees. It will shape your relationships, productivity, work enjoyment and most of a...
One of my toxic traits is my urge to explain the passive voice to every editor on Twitter who explains it wrong. Passive voice is not ‘when you use a form of the verb ‘to be’.’ It’s when the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb rather than performing the action...
fellow high school students responded to risk. She found that habituation to risk — or “getting used to it” — impacts how teenagers make choices beyond their cognitive control. With this insight, she believes we can create policies that more holistically tackle high-risk behavior among ...
Today, at least one out of three people on the planet have access to the Internet. But part of this Internet is being held captive by the less noble aspects of our human behavior. Five years ago, I said, "If you want to liberate society, all you need is the Internet." ... 下载时是1846个文件,分析以1846个文件的为数据源,写日记时已经是1850个文件了 下载到本地的最新的一个文件Published ↑ Event Title Duration URLFeb 2015 TEDxColumbus James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house 13:53
Season two sees him grappling with deep insecurities, only fueled by Nate-the-formerly-great’s truly shitty behavior towards him. Or, as Coach Beard would put it, Nate is rude to him. And it’s personal, and it’s weird. Colin is both a more sympathetic figure in season two, as ...
167.One for animals, including domestic animals -- and I have to say, I learned everything I know about animal behavior even before I got to Gombe and the chimps from my dog, Rusty, 另一个是关爱动物,包括家养动物——我必须要说, 我早就对动物行为谙熟于心 早在我去贡贝前,我的狗鲁斯比...