Struggling traders focus on changing strategies. Experienced traders work on their psychology. Here’s 5 engaging TED talks on psychology. While these talks are not for traders, their ideas are highly relevant for a successful trading mindset....
We live in a culture where people feel really increasingly vulnerable to all sorts of addictions, whether it's to their smartphones or to shopping or to eating. Before these talks began -- you guys know this -- we were told we weren...
So why was psychology good? Well, for more than 60 years, psychology worked within the disease model. 10 years ago, when I was on an airplane and I introduced myself to my seat mate, and told them what I did, they’d move away from me. And because, quite rightly, they were ...
I'm in the field of research known as personality psychology, which is part of a larger personality science which spans the full spectrum, from neurons to narratives. And what we try to do, in our own way, is to make sen...
I'm in the field of research known as personality psychology, which is part of a larger personality science which spans the full spectrum, from neurons to narratives. And what we try to do, in our own way, is to make sense of how each of us -- each of you -- is, in certain res...
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.
Featured Program:Bachelor in Psychology; Master of Science: Experimental Psychology (Clinical & Health and Sports) Request Info Here are 15 of the most-viewed TED talks on intelligence and critical thinking. 1. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are – Amy Cuddy ...
I'm in the field of research known as personality psychology, which is part of a larger personality science which spans the full spectrum, from neurons to narratives. And what we try to do, in our own way, is to make sense of how each of us -- each of you -- is, in certain res...
“天才”成了一個骯髒的字眼,沒人去研究天才了。疾病模型存在的第三問題,是我們急於幫助困於疾患的人,急於修補損傷,我們從沒想過怎樣才能人 們變得更快樂,怎樣進行積極干預。這些就是不好的地方。這就是為什麼Nancy Etcoff,Dan Gilbert和我會去研究我稱作“積極心理學”(positive psychology)的這個領域。
在社交能力和外向備受推崇的文化中,內向的人會遇到很多困難,有時甚至會受到羞辱。但Susan Cain在這充滿熱情的演講中,提出內向者所特有的能力與天份,應受到社會的鼓勵和嘉許。