美国哈肯萨克大学医学中心 (Hackensack University Medical Center) 薛海晖教授团队和弗吉尼亚大学 (University of Virginia) 臧充之教授团队合作在《自然—免疫学》(Nature Immunology)上发表了题为“Tcf1 preprograms the mobilization of glycolysis in central memory CD8+ T cells during recall responses”的研究论文,...
近期多项报道指出,免疫检查点抑制治疗可以促进前体细胞的分化,也可以这样理解,也就是前体细胞的水平与免疫检查点抑制治疗的疗效息息相关。前体细胞通常表达有TCF1(transcription factor T cell factor 1 ),这也与SIY特异性细胞所表达的分子标签相符合。 因为SIIN诱导CD8+T细胞水平比SIY更高,作者猜测这一竞争结果很可能...
BCL6-dependent TCF-1+ progenitor cells maintain effector and helper CD4+ T cell responses to persistent antigen. Immunity. 2022 May 25:S1074-7613(22)00223-0. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.003. Epub ahead of print. PM...
1. Hosokawa, H. & Rothenberg, E. V. How transcription factors drive choice of the T cell fate.Nat Rev Immunol21, 1–15 (2020). 2. Hu, G.et al.Transformation of Accessible Chromatin and 3D Nucleome Underlies ...
TCM细胞(CD8+ central memory T cells)是CD8+记忆T细胞的一个亚群,由CD8+T细胞分化而来。CD8+TCM细胞在淋巴器官中较为丰富,在二次刺激时具有极强的增殖能力。Tcf1(tranion factor T cell factor 1,由基因Tcf7编码)在T细胞中大量表达,其在T细胞中的调节作用是机体产生记忆T细胞和免疫记忆的基础。
TCF-1 + T Cells Sustain Alloimmune Responses in Graft-Vs-Host Diseasedoi:10.1016/S2666-6367(22)00525-5Kevin QuannFaruk SacirbegovicSarah RosenbergerWarren D. ShlomchikElsevier Inc.Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Effect of PD1-TCF1+CD8+ Stem-like Memory T Cells on Immunotherapy Prognosis and Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Tumors CUI Xue, WENG Yiming, WANG Peiwei, PENG Min, Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China Funding: Wu Jieping Medical Foundation 320.6750...
Recent advances bring TCF1 into the spotlight for its versatile, context-dependent functions in regulating mature T cell responses. In the cytotoxic T cell lineages, TCF1 is required for the self-renewal of stem-like CD8+ T cells generated in response to viral or tumour antigens, and for ...
Its expression is developmentally regulated, which is high in the specific stage of immature thymocytes, but is much lower in mature T cells. We cloned the TcfA gene by subtractive hybridization and found it to be highly expressed in the thymus compared to the mRNA level in the spleen as ...
cells generated by SNP-IV proliferated and differentiated into effector cells upon checkpoint blockade, leading to superior antitumor response as compared to SNP-SC in a therapeutic model. The duration of antigen presentation by dendritic cells controlled the magnitude and quality of CD8+T cells. ...