近日,美国埃默里大学国家灵长动物研究中心微生物与免疫学部Mirko Paiardini研究团队在Nature Immunology杂志发表了题为Distinct SIV-specific CD8+ T cells in the lymph node exhibit simultaneous effector and stem-like profiles and ...
美国哈肯萨克大学医学中心 (Hackensack University Medical Center) 薛海晖教授团队和弗吉尼亚大学 (University of Virginia) 臧充之教授团队合作在《自然—免疫学》(Nature Immunology)上发表了题为“Tcf1 preprograms the mobilization of glycolysis in central memory CD8+ T cells during recall responses”的研究论文,...
近期多项报道指出,免疫检查点抑制治疗可以促进前体细胞的分化,也可以这样理解,也就是前体细胞的水平与免疫检查点抑制治疗的疗效息息相关。前体细胞通常表达有TCF1(transcription factor T cell factor 1 ),这也与SIY特异性细胞所表达的分子标签相符合。 因为SIIN诱导CD8+T细胞水平比SIY更高,作者猜测这一竞争结果很可能...
2022年2月21日,美国哈肯萨克大学医学中心(Hackensack University Medical Center)薛海晖教授团队和弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)臧充之教授团队合作在Nature Immunology上发表了题为Tcf1 preprograms the mobilization of glycolysis in central memory CD8+T cells during recall responses的研究论文,揭示了转录因子Tcf...
BCL6-dependent TCF-1+ progenitor cells maintain effector and helper CD4+ T cell responses to persistent antigen. Immunity. 2022 May 25:S1074-7613(22)00223-0. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.05.003. Epub ahead of print. PM...
TCM细胞(CD8+ central memory T cells)是CD8+记忆T细胞的一个亚群,由CD8+T细胞分化而来。CD8+TCM细胞在淋巴器官中较为丰富,在二次刺激时具有极强的增殖能力。Tcf1(tranion factor T cell factor 1,由基因Tcf7编码)在T细胞中大量表达,其在T细胞中的调节作用是机体产生记忆T细胞和免疫记忆的基础。
TCF-1 + T Cells Sustain Alloimmune Responses in Graft-Vs-Host Diseasedoi:10.1016/S2666-6367(22)00525-5Kevin QuannFaruk SacirbegovicSarah RosenbergerWarren D. ShlomchikElsevier Inc.Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Effect of PD1-TCF1+CD8+ Stem-like Memory T Cells on Immunotherapy Prognosis and Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Tumors CUI Xue, WENG Yiming, WANG Peiwei, PENG Min, Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China Funding: Wu Jieping Medical Foundation 320.6750...
Recent advances bring TCF1 into the spotlight for its versatile, context-dependent functions in regulating mature T cell responses. In the cytotoxic T cell lineages, TCF1 is required for the self-renewal of stem-like CD8+ T cells generated in response to viral or tumour antigens, and for ...
cells generated by SNP-IV proliferated and differentiated into effector cells upon checkpoint blockade, leading to superior antitumor response as compared to SNP-SC in a therapeutic model. The duration of antigen presentation by dendritic cells controlled the magnitude and quality of CD8+T cells. ...