T cell activation激活.ppt,T cell activation;; General principles of signal transduction;Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are catalyzed by protein kinase and phosphatase respectively;Protein kinases and protein phosphatases in T activation;;K
CD152)等PD-1,FasL,IL-2R等 黏附分子 其他分子 LFA-1,CD2等 丝裂原受体等 TcellsubsetsandTcell-mediatedimmunity 按活化阶段初始T细胞NaïveT效应T细胞EffectorT按TCR类型αβT细胞(90%)γδT细胞(10%)记忆T细胞MemoryT 10.3T细胞亚群 多数位于外周血,少数在淋巴组织 识别MHC分子提呈的抗原肽 ...
Cell biology of T cell activation and differentiation. Int Rev Cytol, 2006, 250:217-274. 45 Schmitt AB, Breuer S, Liman J, et al. Identification of regeneration-associated genes after central and peripheral nerve injury in the adult rat. BMC Neurosci 2003, 4: 8.Santana MA, Esquivel-...
The importance of major hubs of metabolic regulation (mTOR, and AMPK) in activation and T helper cell differentiation will also be explored. Finally, as a prominent example of how metabolism can be therapeutically exploited, we describe the impact of fatty acid metabolism on T cell differentiation...
recognitionandactivation expansionanddifferentiation effectors •T细胞特异性识别抗原阶段 •T细胞活化、增殖和分化阶段 •效应性T细胞的产生及效应阶段 T Chapter1TcellsRecognitionofAntigens) Tcellsrecognitionofantigenshave adualspecificity •Antigenspecificity ...
* participate in T cell differentiation and mature in thymus T cell识别antigen具有MHC限制性 T细胞分化发育过程中起作用,分类 * T细胞具有高度的异质性,根据其表面标志和功能特征,可分为若干个亚群。 * γδT细胞:具有抗感染和抗肿瘤作用,可杀伤病毒或细胞内细菌感染的靶细胞、表达热休克蛋白和异常表达CD1分子...
Learning module part 2 covers T cell isolation and in vitro activation, assessment of T cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation by these methods: Flow cytometric analysis Enzyme-linked immunosorbent ...
How regulatory T cells work The integration of T cell migration, differentiation and function
Abstract Vitamin A metabolites play important roles in T cell activation and differentiation. A conventional model of RARα function relies upon retinoic acid (RA)-liganded RARα binding to specific DNA motifs to regulate gene expression in the nucleus. However, this genomic function fails to explai...
TCellsubsets Class αβTlymphocytes CD4+helperTlymphocytes Functions Bcelldifferentiation(humoralimmunity)Macrophageactivation(cellmediatedimmunity)Antigenreceptorandspecificity Selectedmarkers Percentoftotallymphocytes(human)Blood αβheterodimersDiversespecificitiesforpeptide-classIIMHCcomplexes CD3+,CD4+,CD8- 50-60*...