当您遇到错误信息“unknown egen function var()”时,这通常意味着Stata无法识别您尝试使用的egen函数。 这里有几种可能的原因: 1.拼写错误或函数名错误:确保您使用的egen函数名称是正确的。例如,如果您想创建一个新变量,该变量是现有变量的总和,您应该使用egen sum_var = sum(varname)。 2.未安装的包或命令:...
ssc install egenmore
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prodvars Module to create product variables for two lists of input variables profhap Module to construct profile likelihood confidence intervals for haplotype analysis progres Module to measure distributive effects of an income tax project Module providing a set of tools to build and manage a Stata ...
S456952 PRODVARS: Stata module to create product variables for two lists of input variables by Roger Newson S456951 PV: Stata module to perform estimation with plausible values by Kevin Macdonald S456950 SOEPDO: Stata module to handle SOEP drop-outs ...
S456952 PRODVARS: Stata module to create product variables for two lists of input variables byRoger Newson S456951 PV: Stata module to perform estimation with plausible values byKevin Macdonald S456950 SOEPDO: Stata module to handle SOEP drop-outs ...
prodvars Module to create product variables for two lists of input variables profhap Module to construct profile likelihood confidence intervals for haplotype analysis progres Module to measure distributive effects of an income tax project Module providing a set of tools to build and manage a Stata ...