在Stata中,egen是一个非常有用的命令,用于创建新的变量或对变量进行操作。当您遇到错误信息“unknown egen function var()”时,这通常意味着Stata无法识别您尝试使用的egen函数。 这里有几种可能的原因: 1.拼写错误或函数名错误:确保您使用的egen函数名称是正确的。例如,如果您想创建一个新变量,该变量是现有变量的...
你解决了吗兄弟 我跟你一样的问题
ssc install egenmore
stata中如何先生成一个变量的中值,再根据这个中值进行分组生成虚拟变量,大于等于中值的取值为1,否//第一反应代码如下: egen loan_ratio_med = medium(loan_ratio) //但是这样做会报错: unknown egen function medium() //正确的做法是: egen x_p50 = pctile(x), p(50)stata怎么求指定 ...
stata中如何先生成一个变量的中值,再根据这个中值进行分组生成虚拟变量,大于等于中值的取值为1,否//第一反应代码如下: egen loan_ratio_med = medium(loan_ratio) //但是这样做会报错: unknown egen function medium() //正确的做法是: egen x_p50 = pctile(x), p(50)stata怎么求指定 ...
gen gx=group(n)(将经过排序的变量x分为尽量等规模的n个组) egen zx1=std(x1)(得出x1的标准值,就是用(x1-avgx1)/sdx1) egen zx1=std(x1),m(0) s(1)(得出x1的标准分,标准分的平均值为0,标准差为1) egen sdx1=sd(x1)(得出x1的标准差) ...
Perhaps you created this coding using the recode() function (see [2] functions and [4] catvars) from another age-in-years variable: . gen agegrp=recode(age,24,40,50,65) You now wish the codes were 1, 2, 3, and 4: . egen agegrp2 = group(agegrp) 4 Stata Technical Bulletin ...
varname specifies to which group each observation belongs; e.g., cluster(personid) in data with repeated observations on individuals. See [U] 26.10 Obtaining robust variance estimates. cluster() can used with pweights to produce estimates for unstratified cluster-sampled data, but see help svy...
Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function, Robert A Yaffee (Fri Feb 06 00:00:05 2009) Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function, David Greenberg (Thu Feb 05 15:50:35 2009) st: RE: Fitting the integral of a unknown function, Steichen, Thomas J. (Thu Feb 05...
ghk2 Module (enhanced Mata function) to implement the Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane multivariate normal simulator ghxt Module to compute Panel Groupwise Heteroscedasticity Tests ginidesc Module to compute Gini index with within- and between-group inequality decomposition gipf Module to graphically display a ...