133. unknown function () You specified a function that is unknown to Stata; see Stata Functions Reference Manual. Or you may have meant to subscript a variable and accidentally used parentheses rather than square brackets; see [U] 13.7 Explicit subscripting. 134. too many values 1) You ...
gen gx=group(n)(将经过排序的变量x分为尽量等规模的n个组) egen zx1=std(x1)(得出x1的标准值,就是用(x1-avgx1)/sdx1) egen zx1=std(x1),m(0) s(1)(得出x1的标准分,标准分的平均值为0,标准差为1) egen sdx1=sd(x1)(得出x1的标准差) egen meanx1=mean(x1)(得出x1的平均值) egen maxx1=...
Problems: Non-linearity & unknown interaction effects High-dimensionality: we might have "many" controls We don't know which controls to include 2 / 25 Background Motivating example. The partial linear model: yi = θdi + g (xi ) +εi . causal part nuisance Post-double selection (Belloni...
1、生成一个自变量和一个因变量。2、点击Statistics|linear model and related|linear regression菜单。3、在弹出的regress中设置相关变量,然后再点确定。4、在结果界面中,_cons为.5205279表示回归截距,说明回归方程具有统计学意义。R-squared和Adj R-squared分别为0.9905和0.9893,说明回归方程拟合效果...
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Consider the classical multiple regression model y=1 +X + (1) where y is an n 1 vector of observations on the response variable, is the unknown intercept, X is an n p matrix containing coordinates for p 2 nonconstant predictor variables, is a p 1 vector of unknown coefficients, and ...
cation but obvious implications for economic policy. Though threshold models are familiar in time-series analysis, their use with panel data has been limited. The threshold model describes the jumping character or structural break in the re- lationship between variables. This model type is popular ...
In the output header, “Number of strata” is the number of strata in the first stage of the sampling design, and “N. of std strata” is the number of standard strata. In the following example, we use direct standardization to compare the death rates between two districts of London ...
f(Ci) is a function of the municipality's location. The functional form of f(Ci) is unknown and thus I approximate it by two forms of polynomial to control smooth functions of locations. Random effect αi and idiosyncratic error term εit is assumed to follow the normal distribution and...
Had we wanted to treat the unknown groups just as we would any other category, we could have typed . egen rs2=group(race sex), missing . list race sex rs2 race sex 1. female 2. black female 3. black male 4. white 5. white female 6. white male 7. white male rs2 1 2 3 4...