考虑以下示例代码: clear set obs 20 generate t = 2000 + _n tsset t, yearly tsappend, last(2025) tsfmt(ty) 这将崩溃,并显示以下错误: unknown function ty() r(133); 但是,根据的说法,应该支持tsfmt选项的ty参数(即使在Stata中实际上没有ty()函数)。 我知道我可以通过一些数学运算和tsapp...
foreach vname in y1 y2 y3 { (确定y变量组vname) reg `vname' x1 x2 x3 (将y变量组中的各个变量与诸x变量进行回归分析,注意vname的标点符号) } 上式等价于: mvreg y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2 x3 reg3命令: (1)简单用法: reg3 (y1 = x1 x2 x3) (y2 = x1 x3 x4) (y3 = x1 x2 x5) ...
1、生成一个自变量和一个因变量。2、点击Statistics|linear model and related|linear regression菜单。3、在弹出的regress中设置相关变量,然后再点确定。4、在结果界面中,_cons为.5205279表示回归截距,说明回归方程具有统计学意义。R-squared和Adj R-squared分别为0.9905和0.9893,说明回归方程拟合效果...
Re: st: Fitting the integral of an unknown function, Tiago V. Pereira (Fri Feb 06 09:10:27 2009) st: re:linear regression with robust variance estimation, Kit Baum (Fri Feb 06 08:00:11 2009) st: RE: re:linear regression with robust variance estimation, Nick Cox (Fri Feb 06 08...
with Stata and should have experience with programming tools such as local macros (local) and loops (foreach,forvalues). They should also know in principle what an ado-file is. Reading chapter 12 of Kohler and Kreuter'sData Analysis Using Statawould provide excellent preparation for participants...
f(Ci) is a function of the municipality's location. The functional form of f(Ci) is unknown and thus I approximate it by two forms of polynomial to control smooth functions of locations. Random effect αi and idiosyncratic error term εit is assumed to follow the normal distribution and...
st: display commands generated within foreach-loop, Thorsten Faas (Tue Nov 20 02:10:02 2007) Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop, Maarten buis (Tue Nov 20 03:10:04 2007) Re: st: display commands generated within foreach-loop, Thorsten Faas (Tue Nov 20 03:30:05...
[no subject], Unknown (Thu Sep 25 06:49:54 2008) st: re: different result each time, Kit Baum (Thu Sep 25 06:49:52 2008) st: Re: predict in ivreg28, Kit Baum (Thu Sep 25 05:59:53 2008) Re: st: Re: predict in ivreg28, bmilanovic (Thu Sep 25 09:10:08 2008) ...
st: using foreach to add value labels, Jacob McDermott (Thu Jul 25 10:49:01 2013) Re: st: using foreach to add value labels, Scott Merryman (Thu Jul 25 10:56:01 2013) Re: st: using foreach to add value labels, Jacob McDermott (Thu Jul 25 11:01:01 2013) st...
st: creating a new variable with different values for each record considering values in two different variables, Raffaele Palladino (Tue Mar 18 10:14:01 2014) Re: st: creating a new variable with different values for each record considering values in two different variables, Nick Cox (Tue ...