unknown function sqr() r(133); . display sqrt(10) 3.1622777 或者,试试用 twoway function 画点图。 . twoway function clip(x, 0.2, 0.8) . twoway function chop(x, 1), ra(0 10) 第三,在代码书写时手动布局。逗号后和运算符周围的空格通常会使代码更具可读性。 gen x=1*2+3/4-sqrt(5)...
考虑以下示例代码: clear set obs 20 generate t = 2000 + _n tsset t, yearly tsappend, last(2025) tsfmt(ty) 这将崩溃,并显示以下错误: unknown function ty() r(133); 但是,根据的说法,应该支持tsfmt选项的ty参数(即使在Stata中实际上没有ty()函数)。 我知道我可以通过一些数学运算和tsapp...
stata中如何先生成一个变量的中值,再根据这个中值进行分组生成虚拟变量,大于等于中值的取值为1,否//第一反应代码如下: egen loan_ratio_med = medium(loan_ratio) //但是这样做会报错: unknown egen function medium() //正确的做法是: egen x_p50 = pctile(x), p(50)stata怎么求指定 Stata里test是什么...
stata中如何先生成一个变量的中值,再根据这个中值进行分组生成虚拟变量,大于等于中值的取值为1,否//第一反应代码如下: egen loan_ratio_med = medium(loan_ratio) //但是这样做会报错: unknown egen function medium() //正确的做法是: egen x_p50 = pctile(x), p(50)stata怎么求指定 ...
在已有的Stata中,可用命令var来估计VAR模型,而后续命令则包括:使用fcast进行 “动态预测”(dynamic forecast),以及使用irf估计 “脉冲响应函数”(impulse response function,简记 IRF)与 “预测误差方差分解”(forecast error variance decomposition,简记 FEVD)。
Unknown break point Known break points Cumulative sum test for stability of coefficients ARCH LM test Moran's test for spatial dependence Diagnostic plots Added variable (leverage) plot Component plus residual plot Leverage vs. squared residual plot Residual vs. fitted plot Residual vs. pred...
foreach vname in y1 y2 y3 { (确定y变量组vname) reg `vname' x1 x2 x3 (将y变量组中的各个变量与诸x变量进行回归分析,注意vname的标点符号) } 上式等价于: mvreg y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2 x3 reg3命令: (1)简单用法: reg3 (y1 = x1 x2 x3) (y2 = x1 x3 x4) (y3 = x1 x2 x5) ...
在已有的Stata中,可用命令var来估计VAR模型,而后续命令则包括:使用fcast进行 “动态预测”(dynamic forecast),以及使用irf估计 “脉冲响应函数”(impulse response function,简记 IRF)与 “预测误差方差分解”(forecast error variance decomposition,简记 FEVD)。
A. P. Mander, 2002, Analysis of Quantitative Traits using Regression and Log-linear Modeling when Phase is unknown, Stata Journal, 2(1): 65–70. [pdf] Allen McDowell, 2002, From the Help Desk: Transfer Functions, Stata Journal, 2(1): 71–85. [pdf] Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking...
Take a minute to appreciate this. We believe that wine output is a function of taxes, rainfall, and irrigation, but we do not know the function. We can nonetheless fit an approximation to the unknown function and explore it to gain statistical insight usingnpregress series,margins, andmargins...