Watch Label the values of categorical variables. Notes Extensive notes can be attached to a dataset Watch Add notes to a variable. Data snapshots Allow multiple levels of undo to modified datasets Multiple datasets in memory (frames) Link frames Updated Copy data between frames Access data in ...
By including clusters as indicator variables in our imputation model (strategy 1), we allow the regression function of the imputed variable to vary by cluster. More generally, we can allow the distributions of the imputed values to differ among clusters by imputing each cluster separately (Graham...
7.Datsun8108129.2750 3.55 The data allow us to make some guesses at the values in the dataset,but,for example,we do not know the units in which the price or weight is measured,and the term“mpg”could be confusing for people outside the United States.Perhaps we can learn something ...
gcollapse, labelformatallows specifying the output label using placeholders. gcollapse, sumcheckkeeps integer types withsumif the sum will not overflow. Differences fromreshape Allows an arbitrary number of variables ini()andj() Several option allow turning off error checks for faster execution, incl...
Allow the users to download packages that include more than one program file Encourage Stata programmers to comment their programs and share their knowledge within their Stata packages This archive receives monthly update at the end of each month, based onthe latest updates on SSC server. If your...
name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g证券代码year int %10.0g sur_hhi double %9.0g 企业董事姓氏共用:HHI sur_ent double %9.0g 企业董事姓氏共用:熵 --- Sorted by: Stkcd year . ta y year | Freq. Percent Cum. --...
()) # change hue value to None if none was given # to allow colors being used for other things than hue if hue == "no_hue_defined": plot_hue = None hue_order = [] else: plot_hue = hue all_cols = data[col].drop_duplicates() all_cols = all_cols.sort_values()...
only label numeric values, so the template will only labelselect_onevalues when all possible values are numeric. Note also that variable labels are truncated at 79 characters, but the template also adds a "note" to each field with the full text of the label (as found in the form ...
Many of you have been asking us for Bayesian VAR models. That’s not surprising. VAR models have many parameters but often not enough data to estimate them reliably. The Bayesian approach provides a solution by incorporating specialized priors to allow you to obtain more stable parameter estimates...
Given the abundance of information in this response, allow me to provide a brief synopsis. I have provided three helpful functions for you to use, namelydebug_contr_error,debug_contr_error2, andNA_preproc. My suggestion is that you utilize them as per the below instructions. ...