181. may not label strings You attempted to assign a value label to a string variable, which makes no sense. 182. not labeled The indicated variable has no value label, yet your request requires a labeled variable. You may, for instance, be attempting to decode a numeric variable. 6 ...
•”I’m not so sure. People tell me that it is difficult to get started. It may be OK for a full-time researcher, but our junior doctors can’t spend weeks to find out how to use it.”•”I heard that SPSS is a lot friendlier.”•”But it’s expensive. Wouldn’t Excel ...
generate admit=date(admit_d,"YMD")//20110625 - YMDgenerate dob=date(dateofbirth,"MDY")//May152001 - MDY/*注:It does not matter whether the month is written as a number, spelled out completely, or abbreviated to three letters.*/list admit_d admit dateofbirth dob/* +---+ | admit_...
We have over 300 videos on our YouTube channel that have been viewed over 10 million times by Stata users wanting to learn how to label variables, merge datasets, create scatterplots, fit regression models, work with time-series or panel data, fit multilevel models, analyze survival data, ...
For simplicity, suppose the 16 industries are C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 (may not actually be the case). Post is the event indicator variable; it is 1 after 2011 and 0 before 2011. Treat*Post is the key explanatory variable. The following ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 教程案例stata与计量经济学eviews statatutorial.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Getting Started in Data Analysis using Stata (v. 6.0) Oscar Torres-Reyna otorres@ December 2007 Stata Tutorial Topics What is Stata? ...
03 --- Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label --- Stkcd long %10.0g 证券代码 year int %10.0g Stknme str12 %12s 证券中文简称 ListedDate str10 %10s 上市日期 Stktype str3 %9s 股票类型 Crcd str29 %29s A/B/H股交叉码 Conme...
name type format label Variable label --- patid byte %9.0g Patient ID dateofbirth str9 %9s Date of birth reason str15 %15s Reason for visit admit_d str8 %9s Admission date admit_t str17 %17s Admission date and time discharge_d str9 %9s Discharge...
egen newid = group(id), label 这条命令会根据id变量的唯一值创建一个新的变量newid,其中每个唯一值都被映射到一个新的整数上(从1开始)。然后,你可以使用newid作为因子变量进行后续分析。 检查数据输入:确保在数据输入阶段没有引入非整数值或超出范围的整数值。这可以通过数据清洗和验证步骤来实现。 综上所述...
New commandimport sasimports.sas7bdatdata files and.sas7bcatvalue-label files. New commandimport spssimports IBM SPSS version 16 or higher.savand.zsavfiles. I recommend using them from their dialog boxes. You can preview the data and select the variables and observations you want to import. ...