stata:tab命令举例 webuse hbp2, clear//不显示值标签,只显示实际保存值tab race ,nolabel///Race | Freq. Percent Cum.//---+---//1 | 196 17.41 17.41//2 | 773 68.65 86.06//3 | 157 13.94 100.00//---+---//Total | 1,126 100.00tab race//Race | Freq. Percent Cum.//---+---...
•nolabel:取消对取值进行标签化显示。 •missing:显示缺失值的频数。 •format:设置输出结果的格式。 二、 除了tab命令,Stata还提供了tabulate命令用于生成频数分布表。tabulate命令与tab命令基本类似,但是在某些情况下可用于生成多个变量的频数分布表。 1. 语法 tabulate varname1 [varname2] [varname3] .....
Tabulate varname1 varname2 [if] [in] [weight] [,options] 其中options中的命令主要包括 column、row、cell、expected、nofreq和nolabel这几个选项,具体的含义见下表说明 举例:绘制地区和年龄的二维频数表,不显示频数,chi2表示卡方统计量,命令和结果如下 2. 使用命令table 概要统计表格的stata命令为table,对应...
To "" <> Subject Re: st: tab varname without the varname label Date Wed, 9 Feb 2011 13:53:16 +0100José Maria wrote: Is there some option in tab that presents the real name of a variable instead of the label attached to...
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FileNamestringNome del file a cui è stata applicata l'azione registrata FolderPathstringCartella contenente il file a cui è stata applicata l'azione registrata SHA1stringSHA-1 del file a cui è stata applicata l'azione registrata
1.3 Stata 实操 . sysuse census.dta, clear*-计算数据的相对比率 . replace death = 100 * death / pop . replace marriage = 100 * marriage / pop. replace divorce = 100 * divorce / pop. gen treatment = (runiform()<.5) //随机生成处理组的虚拟变量. iebaltab marriage divorce death, grpvar...
在Factor, 输入Carpet.4 在各对话框中单击OK.49One Way ANOVA3.4、StatANOVA503.4、StatANOVASession 窗口One-way ANOVA: Durability versus Carpet Source DF SS MS F PCarpet 3 146.4 48.8 3.58 0.047Error 12 163.5 13.6Total 15 309.9S = 3.691 R-Sq = 47.24% R-Sq(adj) = 34.05%Individual 95% CIs...
Preferable in terms of Stata code? I understand a text like this, but I need your help to translate this into code at the level of accuracy a big command like this requires Yes, I will do this. Edit: Done. But needs resolution on comment below about which difference will be used. ...
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