stata数据整理常用命令 Stata常用指令 解释 set more off set virtual on 把虚拟内存打开 di exp(3.567) = display Browse the data tabmiss x1 x2 (findit tabmiss) 显示MV的freq与比例 browse var1 var2 (if ….) Look like editor window, but cannot edit listblck in 1/10, repeat(1) ...
Putexcel is great for making custom reproducible tables in excel (plus excel to latex extension for latex). labmask is great for replacing strings with labeled intergers for i. or reducing file sizes. levelsof is great more making lists of values of string variables. "set trace on"(When com...
1.mvdecode 2.coefplot 3.predict 4.xtline 5.mdesc 1.margins 2.local 3.pause (if you teach) 4.recode 5.foreach 1.Gen/replace 2.Recode 3.Over / by 4.If 5.m 1.reshape 2.merge 3.append 4.bysort 5.replace 1.estout 2.outreg2 3.xtnbreg 4.codebook 5.merge 1.svyset, svydes, svy...
b. encode, decode, destring, and tostring have been added as operations that can be performed on selected variables. c. the Delete key can now be used to drop data. See [GS] 6 Using the Data Editor (GSM, GSU, or GSW). 18. Concerning the Do-file Editor, a. matching braces are ...
史上最全的 Stata 外部命令一览,可以在线查看帮助文件。 Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。
S456834 LABELSOF: Stata module to obtain a list of labeled values by Ben Jann S456833 ASHELL: Stata module to capture output from OS shell command by Nikos Askitas S456832 PARETOFIT: Stata module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution ...
dataset append using mydata2,generate(newv)Same as above,but do not copy value labels or notes from mydata2.dta append using mydata2,generate(newv)nolabel nonotes Only keep v1,v2,and v3from mydata2.dta append using mydata2,keep(v1v2v3)Menu Data>Combine datasets>Append datasets 1 ...
and Q-statistics "add" a lag operator to a variable name "add" an arbitrary operator to a variable name calculate recursive residuals for a regression model determine whether a token appears in a token list determine whether a varname appears in a varlist decode the operators (and their powe...
. decode race, generate(race_s) . levelsof race_s, local(racelabels) `"Black"' `"Other"' `"White"' . matrix colnames cellcounts = `racelabels' . matlist cellcounts | Black Other White ---+--- Female | 101 12 563 Male | 75 10 506 I can then write...
mvdecode numlabel, add over / by pause (if you teach) post program putexcel: is great for making custom reproducible tables in excel (plus excel to latex extension for latex). recast strL reghdfe rifreg (& now generalised to rifhdreg ...