⭐Stata便捷操作 ❗所有注释都要与命令中间存在空格,否则容易出现option / not allowed r(198); ↑这样的问题 1、数据清洗 ⭐打开文件夹,导入数据 cd D:\研究生\研一\A //这里填文件夹具体名称 import excel "D:\研究生\研一\A\b.xlsx",sheet("sheet1")firstrow clear //这里填文件具体名称 //...
请看看Stata对encode的说明:encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as ...
在Stata 15 中运行时,看到option noemptycellsnoomitted not allowed错误代码后,先是在 Stata 16 中运行相同的命令,发现也存在形似的报错信息。 在百度上搜索「option noemptycellsnoomitted not allowed」,只在人大经济论坛搜到了 一个帖子「[编程问题求助] xtabond命令出现option noemptycellsnoomitted not allowed...
Multiple groups are allowed. Saving the output is done viamatainstead ofr(). No matrices are saved inr()and optionsaveis not allowed. However, optionmatasavesaves the output andby()info inGstatsOutput(the object can be named viamatasave(name)). Seemata GstatsOutput.desc()aftergstats tab,...
Hello- I just upgraded to Stata 9.1 and am experiencing a problem using the label option in estout. I can't get the model name specified in the title option of -estimates store- to be replicated in the output. I still have version 8.2 installed, and it works in this version. I just...
\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_prefix_vcenotallowed.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_probitmodel_macros.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_chk_cimainopts.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_chk_fpc.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_...
Assignment into top-level identifiers is allowed if the identifier does not already exist or if the identifier exists and is of type classname. If the top-level identifier already exists and is of a different type, you must drop the identifier first and then re-create it; ...
Overall twoway options any options other than by()documented in[G-3]twoway options A panel variable and a time variable must be specified.Use xtset(see[XT]xtset)or specify the i()and t()options.The t()option allows noninteger values for the time variable,whereas xtset does not.1 ...
我先是看了这个人大经济论坛这个文档的建议,并且复制了code,但是提示 “spmap option la() not allowed”。 后来查了以下,发现是新的stata15不支持原来的spmap了,现在要使用grmap 了。 https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/general-stata-discussion/general/1431518-spmap-option-la-not-allowed。
is now documented - -mlabels()- now has a -[no]title- option - -eqlabels("",none)- did not work as advertised; this is fixed - the -none- label suboption can now be specified without comma (e.g. -eqlabels(none)- instead of -eqlabels(,none)-) - new options: -starkeep()-...