如图,输入作图代码spatgsa y, weight(w) moran graph(moran) symbol(id) 的时候报错: option graph() not allowed r(198) 代码是从博客下载的,以前也成功作图过,不知道为什么今天开始报错 洛立安 2-12 0 求助各位大佬 小狼小狼1... dta数据在stata是乱码,想修复一下出现了r170这个错误 共4 张 小狼...
*单变量 bys symbol year: gen filter=_n //对相同id的数据从1到最后一条编号 keep if filter == 1 *多变量 sort date symbol by date symbol : gen set=_n //证券代码和date相同则编号:从1到 最后 keep if set==1 //date 和 证券代码相同的观测,只保留了一条记录 drop set save mystockdata_d...
Assignment into top-level identifiers is allowed if the identifier does not already exist or if the identifier exists and is of type classname. If the top-level identifier already exists and is of a different type, you must drop the identifier first and then re-create it; ...
\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_prefix_vcenotallowed.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_probitmodel_macros.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_chk_cimainopts.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_chk_fpc.ado C:\Program Files\Stata16\ado\base\_\_pss_...
(x86)\Stata13\ado\base\_\_tvc_notallowed.ado C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\ado\base\_\_type.idlg C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\ado\base\_\_type_list_all.idlg C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\ado\base\_\_type_list_all_string.idlg C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\ado\base...
set dp sets the symbol that Stata uses to represent the decimal point. The default is period, meaning that one and a half is displayed as 1.5. format varlist displays the current formats associated with the variables. format by itself lists all variables that have formats too long to be ...
Stata 11 产品介绍及使用说明说明书 Highlights of What’s New in Stata 11 PDF documentation • Comes with every copy of Stata • Includes all manuals • Integrated with help files (see page 6)Marginal analysis • Estimated marginal means • Predictive margins • Average marginal effects...
reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa south , absorb(FE1=idcode FE2=year) Interactions in the absorbed variables (notice that only the#symbol is allowed) reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa , absorb(idcode#occ) ...
relationaldiagram,asolidarrowrepresentsthematerialfluxesandavalvesymboltheratevariables(Figure1).Thestructure oftherateequationmightbe rvart1=(1=TC)Dt1 wherervaristhenameofaratevariable,TCisthetimeconstant(intimeunits)andDisthepartoftheequationrepresenting thetytowhichtherateisproportional.Whenarateequationisa...
local scatter_options `connect' mcolor("`: word `c' of `mcolors''") lcolor("`: word `c' of `lcolors''") `symbol_prefix'`: word `c' of `msymbols''`symbol_suffix' local scatters `scatters', `scatter_options') if "`savedata'"!="" local savedata_scatters `savedata_scat...